Friday, December 30, 2005

A real concern

In keeping with this theme of what's wrong with this computer, my question is why do people download music onto the lab computers in the first place? What are they going to do with the music? I guess they can put it on their iPods or something, but if they're just downloading music willy-nilly, and not covering their tracks, what's the point? Even covering their tracks is difficult and somewhat pointless because you have to LOG IN to use the computers. Everything you do can be written to a log file that the sysadmins read and they can come down on you like a ton of burning tires. And, not to get too technical, but even the downloading software itself (Napster, Grokster, Kazaa, etc) generates certain types of traffic on the network that is easily recognizable to a trained network admin. When they see this type of activity, they can stop it before it really gets going. I just don't understand it. It just isn't a good thing to go messing with the University computers. Those machines are paid for by state funds and charitable donations from people and therefore should be treated with respect. Any of you who have been on missions can understand this concept.

Other than that, I think the picture looks really funny with everything named Desktop.

Ta ta!

The Problem

I think the problem is that all types of music downloading in Lampros Hall is forbidden, and yet, right there on that computer is Napster! Gasp! Shame, shame!

Thursday, December 29, 2005

It looks like...

...Microsoft forgot how to label directories and so called them all the first word it could think of: Desktop. I guess, since "Desktop" is such a vital place to store everything, why not just call everything "Desktop?" No, we can't be logical and just have a '/home/[username]' directory; we have to be hard and say 'C:\Documents and Settings\[username]\Desktop'. Oh, and if you're lucky like I am at work, your username has a freaking space in it! Spaces are for delimiting arguments on the command line, not for use in filenames. Gaaaaa! That's what dashes (-) and underscore characters (_) are for.

Anyhow, I digress...

If you can't tell, I'm not a Microsoft fan and I don't particularly like using Windows. It's not that Windows itself is bad, it's that it engenders bad habits of computer users such as spaces in filenames and such things. And it uses big long words as directory names such as "Documents and Settings." Instead, all user accounts should be held in either the "/usr" directory or the "/home" directory. Settings can be stored in "/etc." That's the way the inspired operating system called Linux works.

So yeah, anyone pipe up if this has happened to you. The other day, I was driving northbound on I-15 through Salt Lake City. I got to about the 4th South offramp (you know, the HOV-only offramp) and was travelling about 72 MPH. I was keeping up with the traffic very nicely, not passing anyone and not being passed. The lanes to either side were occupied as was the space in front of me. I was trying to keep my distance from the person in front of me like any good driver should, when suddenly I looked in my rearview mirror to see a Dodge Ram Gigacab pickemup truck come cruising up behind me at what must've been about 90 MPH. When I saw that, I didn't think he was going to slow down. I thought he was just going to hit me and keep on going. It really scared me. But, since I couldn't safely change lanes, I just stood my ground. He decided that wasn't good enough and so tailgated me at a very close distance, say maybe a foot if I could count myself lucky. He held that position for probably twenty or thirty seconds before quickly changing [multiple] lanes and exiting the freeway. Now, I don't drive a large car, and sometimes I drive a motorcycle, so when something like that happens, it has the potential to really get me going. I was pissed off at that dude. How dare he treat other motorists who have just as much (if not more) right to use the road as he does. Just because I don't have a 360HP V8 engine that cranks out 25tons of CFCs a year doesn't mean that I can be bullied around by people who do. I think I want to side with Rob Hilton in joining or creating a Tailgate Law Enforcement Task Force.

Basically, the idea is this: you get an old car, like a 1972 Chrysler Newport (against the rules to use in Utah demolition derbies) and drive it down the road as you normally would. However, if some jerk decides to tailgate you, you can simply climb all over the brakes and cause a collision. Of course, since it's a rear-end collision, it's the other guy's fault for following too closely. You could probably make a lot of money doing this. Now, do keep in mind that proper safety equipment must be built into or supplied with said Newport. I think it might be a fun thing to do. Anyone want to design a logo?

Anyway, on to better subjects. I had a great Christmas! It was awesome because I got to be with my family and Kristin's family and I got some super cool gifts, too. For instance, Kris got me a really cool watch and a Slinky, Jr. I also got a bunch of movies, like War of the Worlds, Madagascar, and Moulin Rouge. Plus, I got the soundtracks to Memoirs of a Geisha (absolutely beautiful score) and Far and Away (a much better score than the movie itself.) So far, I have not seen Geisha yet, but I will be seeing it soon. Kristin, on the other hand, got a really cool pen tablet for her computer as well as a DVD writer. Both of us got Christmas socks, which are undoubtedly the single most desirable gift one can receive at Christmas.

Finally, my web server received a relatively minor upgrade. Persephone, as it is called in the Schill home, went from being a Pentium/233MHz computer with 128MB of RAM (very old and limited) to an AMD Athlon/1.3GHz machine with 512MB of RAM (very quick and responsive.) This was accomplished at no charge because of the parts I just had laying around.


ps: I appologize for the long post, but it's been a while! :)

"'ll be able to find out whether the car you're planning on buying is good or French." --Jeremy Clarkson

Is the problem...

all main folders are named 'desktop'? It's just a casual guess, but I found that rather odd. It gave me a good chuckle...whether or not it really is what's wrong. Thanks Jon, I needed that. :)

So...Merry Christmas (sorry it's so late in the saying, but it's better late than never) and Happy New Year to all! My Christmas was nothing spectacular, but I did get a gift that is still giving at this very moment as I'm typing. I got a cold (and a small vaccum cleaner). Yippy! j/k I'm not that crazy about it, but at least I don't have to miss school for it.

Well....umm....have a good one y'all! :)

Happy New Year!!!!

What's wrong with this picture

Honestly, I didn't Photoshop this. It actually happened to me.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Monday, December 26, 2005


Is anyone having a new years party? If someone is having one, please tell me! I have a friend here for the holidays from florida, and we are looking for a party! thanks all!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

WSU Band Union, Local 799

Hey, congrats to all the Graduatin' Folks and all the Piano Proficient folks. Where and when is the party? :)

Anyway, Ben, I need to tell you that I still have your Play Station and your games and I want to return them. The only problem is that I have no idea where to find you. What is your address? If you don't feel comfortable posting it here in this forum, please email it to me (jschill [at] wintools [dot] com.) This way, I can finally get it back to you.

Roger, Oveur.

Friday, December 16, 2005

since everyone else was

talking about their passing of the piano proficiency, I shall tell you how I did. If you would like to know, please visit my blog. Ha, ha, ha, I am soooo evvviillll.


Congrats scoozanne on proficienting the pinano.

quote of the day: New members are urgently needed in the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Yourself. Apply within.

event of the day: sweet graduation

song of the day: Veruca Salt from the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory soundtrack

what? of the day: those crazy Russians and their crazy nuclear stuff

discovery of the day: TMBG now has a podcast

hope of the day: I actually pass my classes and get my transfer credit accepted so I can graduate

Umkay, bye everyperson. I'll see you... sometime. Oh, and by the by, we need to have a huge party next week to zelebrate where all the graduatin' folks and all their friends gets together and throws back candy and soda and plays some game or other and/or watches some flick or other. Kay bye now.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Catch as catch can

Pfftshhhyeah! I'll congratulate Hava. Congratulations, Hava. I have seen what piano proficiency does to people. Nice people. It can break them. Way to go for conquering the 88-key monster.

(Not to be confused with Svarnik & Bill's smokey monster, although it is nearly as hazardous to your health.)

So... I'm taking a break. I've heard that you need breaks from intense productivity sessions once in a whiles so that you can come back from your break with renewed productivity capacity, rather than just plugging away with an ever-waning productivity capacity. It's actually productive to waste time once in a while (well, I guess then it's not exactly technically wasted, is it?)

Anyway, the reason I say that is that I'm in the middle of the last few hours of scholastic work in my career as an undergrad college student. After charging up my mp3 player, I started my musically enhanced portion of my productivity session (the actual work part was still happening at the time) with Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance, mvt. 1. And yes, I really do think that the band should play the 3rd movement for commencement instead. That'd turn heads.

Last few hours!!!!!!!! (yay)

Thanks, thatBritChap. I believe Amy Koster, and Connie Ward, Jason Schill, and Wade Walton are also graduating this semester, some with Associates', some with Bachelors'.

Duck! Here comes the future! Look out!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Hey y'all!

The annual musings of Brittany has been posted on my blog, if you care to read it go right ahead!
BTW, congrats to Jon, Cory, and Kristin! Graduation rocks! Someday I'll do it!

Rock on All!

Please help

Everybody totally congratulate Hava on passing piano perficiency. She needs some encouragement. Thanks.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

In Excelsis

That was the best Institute Christmas show I've seen yet. It always seems to be better when there are people you know in the performing groups. But even aside from that it was still better, I think, than last years show in many ways.

Ben, I think it is a craft taken to the level of an art (as opposed to getting it down to a science). An artistic craft. (Kraft Maccoroni & Art?)

Diego, I know exactly the boat you are in with that whole "taking stuff to remain full-time". Two of my classes qualified for that distinction.

Scooze, I heard that the government is behind the X-Files. Seems they made it to cover up the fact that most of the episodes actually happened. (Just kidding. I enjoy watching the 'Files once in an X-While as well.)

.:Merry Christmas and a Happy New I'm Soooo Almost Graduating to you all:.

My definition, I guess

A craftsman is an artist, but an artist whose medium is also used for practical purposes (ie. a decorative plate, nice finished furniture, etc.).

art or craft?

That is an interesting question. In my art class we had on ongoing online discussion about what the difference is between an artist or a craftsman. There were many opinions about it. Most likely a similar thing will happen here. Already Jon says that it is art and Ben says that it is a craft. What will become of us?
Join us next time for another episode of "Something Diego learned in a class that wasn't necessary, but he took just to stay a full time student."


Actually Jon, that's craft, not art.

Friday, December 09, 2005


Now that's artform.


It is cold outside, just in case anyone hasn't noticed. I really wish that I was a U of A Wildcat. It would be in the fifties today. If anybody wondered, I do not like the cold. It is way to cold for me, speaking of cold (whatever that means).
On another subject, I wish to say that I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas.
Until next time,
Stay warm.

Global Warming?

Actually Jason....
In my dinosaurs and fossil records class we are talking about current extinction and stuff. Evidence points to the fact that we actually haven't yet come out of our last period of glaciation yet and that the world should be colder than it is, that the atmosphere hasn't warmed up as much as it should have for all the stuff we've pumped into the atmosphere. Do you understand that if the polar ice caps melted that that would unhouse 90% of the worlds population? Not to mention the fact that with all of our cutting down of rain forests, added to all the CO2 we're injecting into our atmosphere, is causing the oxygen level of the planet to come close to going below the level of CO2. All signs have pointed to whenever that happens, there is large widespread extinction. In fact, that's probably what ended up killing all the dinosaurs. When the huge dinosaur extinction happened, it wasn't just dinosaurs, it was all animals ALL that were bigger than a certain size. The only reason mammals didn't die off too was because mammals had stayed really really small during the reign of the dinosaurs and all of a sudden the world belonged to them. Did you know that we are at a rate of extinction now that is like hundreds of species going extinct every day? as compared to 1 species going extinct every 4 years in the late 1800's? Don't scoff at global warming. Experts did a study and said that the point where the earth could sustain a certain amount of people and not have irrevocable damage done to it was around 1900. We have billions more people on the earth right now than they did then.
I just realized something... I went on a rant! Yay for me!
I'm done now.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Princess Vespa? Italian Vespa? Ooh, actually the word vespa is Italian for wasp, which is kind of what those little motorcycle-wannabes sound like. Yep, a wasp in a coffee can. I think it's hilarious to see people all tricked out in cool biker clothes putting around on a scooter. For cryin' in the mud, folks, get a motorcycle. They're much cooler and they're sweet to ride.

But, Vespas do pretty well in the little streets in Europe. That's what they're meant to do, so I guess they accomplish their design goal.

Okay, does anyone besides me think that it is unnatually cold? And who the heck invented windshield washer fluid? Um, product improvement suggestion: make windshield washer fluid have a freezing point of oh, -200F. The washer jets on my car are totally frozen up and therefore it is very difficult to wash my windshield. But yeah, according to Mark Eubank, we had a recorded temperature of -52F in Cache Valley the other night. And those liberal environmentalists say we're having global warming. Ha! Have they stepped outside in the last week?

Anyhow, enough of my ranting. I must rave about something. My raving is about a beautiful creation of man: the de Havilland Comet 4C. This aircraft was the first commercial jetliner. Although not a commercial success (due to stress fractures in the airframe and skin) it was a very cool looking airplane. The last of these old birds were retired in the late 1970s and early 1980s, though the Royal Air Force (RAF) still flies a modified version called Nimrod which is used similarly to our Air Force AWACS planes. More aviation history coming soon.

My Mortal Enemy

I swear, computers are out to get me. I just got a wonderful new laptop a few months ago and everything was going just dandy. (back up) Well, the other day, first of all...the elevator in my appartment breaks down. Thankfully I wasn't in it, but still....I hate stairs. Second, my interent won't work. I am now confined to the computer lab, which I very much detest. I've gotten so used to using the touch pad, I hate computer mouses (mice?). So...I've called thech support and the line is down, or something. So. I feel like quoting a song that is very 'dear to my heart' a sarcastic way. "I love technology" Anyways. Sorry to omplain. I just can't seem to win with anything that has to do with technology.In other news, I hope all that can will be coming to the institute Christmas show (evening shows Friday and Saturday, and a Satuday matinee at 2:30pm). It is such an awesome show and the music will totally put you in the mood for Christmas. (and I'm accompanying one of the songs...and so are Alisha and Jaron...good friends they are) So, there's my little schpeeiiilll...(???)Anyways. Come, you'll have a grand time...cuz...."It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!!!!!!" Wow....I need to stop...I'm starting ramble on and stuff. Have a good one all ya'll (learned that one from Bro. Simon in institute yesterday).

Scripting?... !

thought of the day: Buy the best and cry once.

As for the video, you have to download the Adobe Atmosphere plug-in for Internet Explorer (sorry other-browser users) to view it. And you'll need a fast connexxion/commput'r.

I really hope that I pass my classes and graduate, then.

My apartment is really cold club

Really the only person who can join this club is Suz. But yes my apartment is so cold becuase my dumb landlord is really dumb! I also have fallen on my butt many times, i think the count is now up to 7 times i think, becuase again Kurt is stupid and doesn't know that he can buy ice melt and put it on the ice. STUPID!
Jon-i can't watch your little video, i don't know if my computer is pretty stupid or what but I would like to watch it if i can, e-mail it to me or whatever!
Anyway here's nifty website everyone will love it, at least I did because it made me smile...
Get your own Slogan, mine was Go on, get your Brittany On! I personally think its pretty cool and I am going to use it when i run for some sort of political office.

Listen to Christmas Music!
Batman Out!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


If you like Star Wars you should go there.

As for the pants and shirts, I'm all for 'em.

As for homework, I'm all should be doing it right now.

So I will.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The No Service Club

If you are not in The Pants Club and The Shirt Club, forget about even trying to get into this one.

The Shirts Club

I like mine. Especially during the winter.

Monday, December 05, 2005

The Pants Club

On Katella Ave. between Long Beach and Anaheim, California, is a little place called the Pants Club. I saw this place last Thursday and thought to myself, "I need to blog that!" For one, I thought, I should be a member of the Pants Club. I mean, I wear pants. In fact, when I'm not wearing pants of some kind, I'm usually showering and one would hope that people don't wear pants while showering. Also, I found it to be such a random name for a place that it was amusing. So, for all who wear pants, the Pants Club is the cool place to be.

Okay, so with that in mind, what would non-Pants Club members be called? Sans-Pants Clubbers? Um, yeah, I don't think so, though it would be quite a sight. While I think that dresses are a very nice alternative to wearing pants, they do have some drawbacks - namely: they don't do most of the male population much good. (Now, don't even start with those Scottish kilts; I don't even want to hear about it.) Also, pants generally fill in where dresses lack in the pocket department. I mean, seriously, how do you sneak a bag of candy and a soda into a movie theatre without pockets? Eh? Eh?

So yeah, the Pants Club: A must-have for all pants-wearing people.

Well, I must report that the Disneyland 50th Anniversary Celebration is really cool. If you get a chance, go and see it. The fireworks show is absolutely amazing.

Now, to leave you with Winter Weather Tips, courtesy of Mr. Longmire.

Friday, December 02, 2005

Balrog or Trucker? Your call. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The sweetest thing...

is eating neopolitan ice cream, at 1:30am, with a fork.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Look up, look down

Look all around

A Zeplin! Whoopee

Way to go Ricky! Congrats, and all that jazz...oh and congrats to Cory, and to Ben and Hava. This is all a million Congratulations post! Congrats to Jon for something...!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Way to go...


I think I'm going to have to side with Jon and come and see you perform sometime. That's awesome!

Good on ya!


Way to go Ricky!!! That's the coolest thing. I hope you guys get to do a great show. I'll have to come see y'all perform sometimes.

an equation for ya'll

Ricky + trip to Chicago = ?


any guesses???????


laters ya'll's

Monday, November 28, 2005

And no margarine neither

The reverend Adam Starkadder:
"You know how it is -- when you burn your hand on the stove, and you get some butter to ease the pain? Well, THERE'LL BE NO BUTTER IN HELL!"

Friday, November 25, 2005


Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Die Internet Explorer! Posted by Picasa

Funny, funny, funny

Tell me if this picture doesn't make you laugh


Now, if you laughed, is it because you've seen it somewhere before? :) I love that movie!

Before everyone takes off

...I'd like to just wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving. Whatever you do, be sure to have lots of the usual Thanksgiving stuff (y'know, peanuts, broccoli, limburger cheese, and penguin.) Er, I mean don't eat that stuff (unless it is your custom to have a nicely stuffed Thanksgiving penguin. But, if you do have penguin, do think of Linus. He has defined pengins for a generation.

Anyhow, I digress...

So yes, a happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good, eh, middle-of-the-day or so.


Funniest list of stuff

Big Johnny Brain Jones Peachpit Bill Boone Crockett

Big Lumpy Brain Hat Flapjack Frank

Big Alfie Gum-shoe Fat-Head Crawdad Vincent

Big Flipping Cheesecake Hornpipe Tuna Boat Steve

Big Chili Corncob Hambone Stiltskin Jeff

Big Brainy Fishface Stovepipe Wiggle-Room Eileen

Big Stinky Milkmaid Sansabelt Babaloo Fly-Swatter Horse-Drawn Twinkletoe Crumbcake Macrame Chicken Potpie

Big Crabby See-Saw Quonset Hut Muttonchop Zeke

Little Pinky Fleapie Waffle-Shoe Clamhead Chris

from an episode of Pinky and the Brain

In other news, yes, Andrew, we will have to roll the Battlefront at a time. Aaron and I were doing a practice session yesterday on Kashyyyk. That one is harder from the Imperial side than the Rebels.

I am so very sick today. I'm supposed to go icy sk8ting in about 10 minutes, but I don't know if I'll remain upright the whole time. I was up half the night despite adding an extra blanket and then slept until 10:30 this morning. Hooray for medecines.

Okay bye.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Holy rusted metal, Batman!

What in the world of Carmen SanDiego is going on 'round these parts of the world wide web (that's the 'trip dub' to those in the know)? Sounds like some real drama on our hands. Still, it could be worse. People could be urniating on your door (like what happened to me this weekend. I just love being an RA).

I see a mega batch of congrats are in order for Cory. WTG, man! If'n I can make it, you can count on me attending the reception (I can't turn down free cake and a chance to take hillarious pictures). And another set of gianormous conga-rats to Ben and Hava and the announcement of their forthcoming Mini-Them. Can I be like an official, unofficial Uncle? Y'know? Like the one that does all the cool magic tricks and tells the cool jokes, but sadly lives all alone and doesn't seem to have much luck with the ladies? That would be really cool.

Ummm, oh yeah! Nope...lost the thought...nope, got it back!!!

Jon, sounds like you're becoming a real X-Box junkie. Welcome to the club my friend. Halo 2 and Battlefront LAN parties are THE BEST EVER!! Well, maybe not ever, but pretty darn close. I'll have to face off with you one of these days. I have gotten pretty awesome at Battlefront 2 as of late. And I have an idea for Episode 4 of WHBR. I could "call in" via Skype! That would be the coolest to be on the show and have my annoying voice be downloaded by millions upon millions of crazed fans the world over. Yes? No?

Well, have a great day kiddos and don't claw eachother's eyes out or some such nonsense. Have a totally awesome Thanksgiving break as well! Adios!

Technically speaking...

Hilarious, for those who are aware of the recent fiasco with XCP.

Also, there was an absolutely great seminar by the makers of Linspire today over at the Tech Ed building.

Tomorrow there will be Fraggle Rock going on wherein the Multimedia Department of WSU will be making other people respawn very very frequently. Halo2 and SW Battlefront II. Yay for the fun of office LAN parties.

'Kay bye.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Just a reminder

I don't mean to be negative in any way. I love you all dearly as friends, but I feel I must mention, as admin of this bloggo, that we would all do well to follow the rules of Netiquette. Please understand that I don't mean to limit what can be discussed here on this virtual band hall. I simply mean that, according to netiquette, the proper way to handle another users' violation of netiquette is to send them a private email, rather than to respond in a public forum.

I hope everyone takes this reminder in the spirit in which it was intended - that being to keep this blog what it should be: a place where we can all come and have fun. Thank you all for your consideration.

A hearty congrats... the Cory! Good job on the engagement. As a representative of the marrieds, I offer my endorsement of the institution. Marriage is the best thing ever! You come home and have this really awesome feeling of security and comfort. And then there are the in-laws. If you have cool ones, then it's twice the partying (or in my case 500% of the partying.) Being married is all sorts of awesomeness.

To Ben and Hava: I think that you are very loyal in your friendship to Jessica. Friends help each other out in a pinch. They do everything in their power to make each others' lives less stressful. Had we known about Jessica's plight, I'm sure that Kristin and I could have accommodated seeing as we have a relatively unused room, too. That's what friends do. That's what loyalty is all about. So yeah, Ben and Hava, I support you. Let's be nice to each other. The world moves much more smoothly when people are nice.

Ta ta!

On loyalty

Why did I get dragged into this? Whatever did I do? But, apparently I'm a turn-coat; a disloyal friend. What? Now, I know that I have a bad habit of thinking of people only when they are around, but I'd apologize profusely to anyone making such a claim because I know its validity. However
I'd like for those of you who are patient enough to care to analyze one small incident with me. Maybe then we can decipher where the questions of loyalty lie.
Cast your thoughts back to pre-fall semester summer-time. What a great time it was to be alive. Everybody was finally bored enough with summer freedom that we were all itching to get back to school. Ben and Hava have a new apartment in Washington Terrace and Jessica and Suzanne were all set to go in on an apartment together. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Jessica has nowhere to live. There is definitely no way for her to travel from Lehi to Weber State everyday. Tell me this: was the friend that weaseled their way into Jessica's apartment loyal? Ben and Hava just happen to have an extra room, so they say to Jessica, "Come, live in our extra room free of rent." Tell me this: were Ben and Hava loyal?
By no means is it that I'm put out with Jessica living as literally our next door neighbor. But, I have no office, I have nowhere to write my stories or do my homework. With our kitchen not as of yet finished, we have one less room to store all our stuff. We can't yet decorate the room as the nursery that it'll be used for in the coming months. Not only that, but now I have to share my bathroom with TWO women!
Tell me this: where does this question of loyalty come from? Shouldn't a loyal friend help out and not make things worse? Why should I, who have been nothing but kind and giving, be called names and be accused? Why should I remain as loyal to someone that has put me out so much? What did I do to deserve this kind of treatment? Maybe if they were loyal to me, they might earn my loyalty?
Tell me what you think? I'd like to hear comments . . . that is if anybody else wants to get involved. I wouldn't blame you because I got involved without even being asked to.

On a lighter note, Dragon Sonnet #2 is forthcoming!

Friday, November 18, 2005

Dragon Sonnet #1

The Dragon's breath was hot with burning air.
It flew across the vale, bright scales of red,
The workers in the field took flight instead
Of thought of fight the Dragon's burning glare.

The leaves fell off the golden aspens fair
When through the air brown dragons swiftly sped.
The peasants at the guarded feast were fed
And failed to witness sight of its fierce head.

The third of three ferocious dragons there
Appeared and caused a panic, pure white dread.
Its fetid breath across the land was spread
And none did dare to face the deadly flare.

The Three did flee to see aquamarine,
The Harold of the Heaven Dragon Green.

I hope I start a fire with this one

I'm freaking furious about this. This morning on KSL I read the following:

"November 18th, 2005 @ 7:34am

(KSL News) Marketers of Internet pornography say a law protecting kids against indecency violates the constitution.

They've filed a lawsuit against Utah, protesting the Child Protection Registry Act.

The law allows parents of minors to sign up to keep email accounts off the lists spammers use to send inappropriate messages. Those filing the suit say the law goes overboard."

I can't cry big enough elephant tears for this. I can't believe anyone is giving these pornographers the time of day let alone hearing a lawsuit from them stating that child protection laws are unconstitutional. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! What's freaking unconstitutional about keeping children out of the hands of sicko predators?! I understand that there are loopholes in the child protection laws stating that photos can be taken if they're not sexual in nature, but Utah plugged those holes! I'm sorry, but if it were my child involved, I'd say screw constitutionality! Those [can't repeat word on the air] are not taking pictures of my children for any reason! I don't care if it's sexual or not because anything can be misconstrued to be sexual. Gol! I can't believe this. I hope this case gets tossed out on it's little snub nose.

Awesome (*spoiler*)... er, I mean (*long post*)

There are several things that are awesome of late.

Accuse me of presentism if you will, but I don't think the US would cover up a meltdown if one happened. On the other hand, there were those nuclear tests back in the day out in the west desert the dangers of which our government was decidedly irresponsible about. Jason, I'm glad you posted that link to Wormwood. Sobering and good to be aware of. I knew of the incident but the extent and awful reality of it is driven home by the gal's drives through the area.

Hmm... what else inspires awe? Well, just about any time there's demandage avec succès. N'est pas, Msr. Ben le Roi?

Also, along similar lines, I'm so totally going to see that Potter guy in that one movie tonight. I'm sorry BrittChap, about not going with y'all's group at 12:01 this morning, but the tickets for the midnight showings were all gone by the time I got over there to make the purchase.

And speaking of purchases and awesome, that Harry Potter ticket purchase is the last purchase I will make at the Newgate Mall until the mall starts regulating the advertising content of its stores (or the stores take responsibility for their own advertising). Yes, friends - that's right. It's boycott time. See, I was given a flier by a young lady who was a part of the boycott the other while and I figgur'd it was a good cause and that I'd join up. It's good to see people not sitting down and taking such stuff without making a peep. What am I off about, you might ask? Well, it all began when Victoria's Secret decided to display (according to the flier I recieved and the MSNBC story that covered the issue nationally) nearly nude mannequins in overtly sexual poses. Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying we should go around taking away peoples' moral agency. Unless of course their use of freedom of choice enfringes on the right of those who want to walk through the public areas of the mall without being presented with that kind of material (or parents who want to take their kids there or let their kids hang out there with their friends). I'm a libertarian in the sense that I think people should be allowed to pretty much do what they want as long as it doesn't enfringe on basic ethical principles or tread on the rights of others. And there's nothing wrong with using boycotting as a way to get your opinion across. That said, if there's anyone else who cares to join me, I'll be delivering notices to the mall's stores' managers letting them know of the movement and encouraging them to work with the mall management to develop a decency policy.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world.

Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

Today is Friday. Again: awesome.

More later.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

I'm getting totally...


Okay, so I agree with InvadeCanada, but I do have a bit of a different strategy for pulling off that feat. I can't help but notice that the author of InvadeCanada gets all hot and bothered about the North Pole and Santa Claus living in Canada, but later in his final scheme of overtaking the precious tundra, you will notice that the North Pole is still outside of the newly-formed state of Canada. Why don't we just go in there and take all of it? In fact, why stop at the North Pole? Why not continue over the top and take over Greenland and continue on to Russia? Of course, we could leave the area surrounding Chernobyl untouched and leave that to biker chicks. Actually, the aforementioned biker chick website is absolutely fascinating if you are interested in ghost towns, namely the highly radioactive ones. And if you have never heard of Chernobyl, shame on you. It's a town in the former U.S.S.R. where a nuclear reactor had a major meltdown and fire in 1986. The resulting radiation leak posioned lands as far away as Switzerland.

Wow, that was a digression. I first went from talking about taking over Canada to a short history of Chernobyl. Gee, what'll come up next?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

An update...

So, I finally got some quarters (the machine works now). Yay! But in my last attempt to do my laundry, the machines were all full and had a long wait. Is there a major conspiracy to keep me from doing my laundry? Help!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Oops - jy het dit gebreek

1. New pics are up.
2. An analogy from a 6-yr old here in Alberton:
Missionaries are like firemen. They save people. But the water they spray is the Book of Mormon.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Change is good...

...quarters are even better. So, today I was thwarted in my third attempt to do my laundry. I don't have enough quarters and the change machine is 'temporarily out of service.' (it's been out of service since's now Saturday) How long does it take to repair a change machine that everyone uses? Grrr..... I'm just grateful that I still have some clean clothes, or else I would be in a major fix. So, there's my gripe for the day. Thanks for listening. ;) Oh...and the movie "Ghost"'s pretty funny. :) .........Ciao!


For a second there, I thought you were talking about a new function in computer programming to return the network status of a certain machine, but then as I read into your post, it came to me just what you were referring to. Good job! While mostly I do not advocate breaking laws, sometimes it's just fun and you know that no one is going to get [seriously] hurt. Though there might be sort of a casualty in a fountain with the food coloring and dish soap. :) When that's really fun to do is just before it freezes and then you get this really cool ice sculpture. "You didn't see anything"

Ta ta!


All I can say is BEWARE the Rox Stars! I went home this weekend, and my little sister her friend jessica and I just wreaked the biggest havok on her ex-boyfriend. Ohhh man that was sooo much fun! I haven't done that since high school, you can't do that in ogden becuase, well there are cops in Ogden.

Just thought I tell everyone about it. We actually looked stuff up on the internet to do! Thank Buddah for Google.

Recipe for Vandalism

1) 5 rolls of toilet paper
2) A Bar of Soap
3)Food Coloring
4) Soap
5) Rotten Bananas
6) a Dozen Eggs
7) a Bra
8) Shredded Paper
9) Instant Potato Flakes
10) A Bag of Dog Poo

Take one well manicured lawn complete with a fountain, 3 cars, and a big porch and apply all ingredients liberally. Tip: DON'T GET CAUGHT!!!!!

Fun for the kids....add lots of dish soap to fountain

Thursday, November 10, 2005


...posts on this blog, that is. And yes, I do want to hop on an airplane tomorrow and go to D.C. but that ain't gonna happen.

Instead, I'll post a link today to my buddy Randall's vodcast page. You'll need the latest version of iTunes to watch it. I thought it was very well put together.

And speaking ov video editing, the Marching Band DVD for this year will be completed in... the future. Hopefully the near future. But for now I'm behind on my classes and just getting started on a few new projects on top of all that.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Check it out!

I have a new feature on my blog that creates catchy slogan using my (Strongben) name. Its way cool.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Yo yo what's up?

Just thought I'd drop a quick link to some more amazing junk.

Monday, November 07, 2005

No comment

Howdy everybody, i thought i would just pop in really fast and tell everyone i miss them! I hope everyone is doing great, and as always, i would love to hear from y'all
Have an Awsomeness day

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Meet my new friend

It's name is Excalibur. It has 8 legs and has been crawling around my room for the past few days. I'm sure it will die soon, since there are no bugs for it to eat, but who knows. I found Excalibur crawling on my bed while I was cleaning. I have a very profound dislike of squishing bugs. I just won't do it. So, I picked it up with a kleenex and and put it in the garbage can (thinking that somehow it will stay there...I thought I might have crushed it, but apparently I was wrong). Later that day I saw it crawling on my wall. It's been hanging out around my tv, but now it's on my ceiling. It's being suicidal right now though, it is hanging around the light. :( Oh well, as long as it doesn't get into my bed while I'm asleep. Anyways. Yay for new friends.
Spidey out!

2 complaints:

1. Please don't make me have to side scroll because of your enourmous post titles.

2. Please don't post video codes because they totally jack up my computer.

Thank you for your attention in these matters.

Friday, November 04, 2005


...Dang it. I ran out of space in the title field. Blasted computers and their ability to only store a certain amount of characters. :)

So, how's that for a long title? Oh, and yes, Jessica, we do have to one-up each other. That's part of the fun of life. That's what it means to be an American. Hopefully, though, we can one-up each other and do it peaceably.

Okay, now on to the meat and potatoes of this post. Hmmm. Meat and potatoes. Sound good!

I have decided to take it upon myself to gather up all the usable links to cool webpages that have been accumulating in this blog for the last year and a half. There's a boat-load of them, but I think I can gather them up pretty easily. I'm only going to gather links to actual pages that do something and not include all the trivial links to pictures or sayings that may have been posted. We went through a phase back there when it was all we could do to lace the postings with as many links as possible. Most of these links were just photos or something fairly trivial. However, there have been many postings containing real links to actual web sites that many who read this blog could benefit by. So, it is incumbent upon me to make a gathering of links and put them all in one central location where everyone can enjoy them. How's it sound?

ps: Jason's Windows Vista Review
I think that Vista is definitely a step in some direction with the Windows operating system. I can't say right now whether I feel that it's a step forward or maybe just to the side. Windows XP has been a decent operating system for most people, but it does have an achilles heel: Administrator mode. Historically, it has been necessary to run Windows as Administrator or root user just to do most things. Most of us don't think twice about it. That's actually the way Windows was designed to run. This is inherently dangerous about this practice. If you run you computer as Administrator, any programs that infiltrate your computer gain Administrator rights. That means that they can go willy-nilly and install themselves as they will. However, if you run the computer with fewer access rights than Administrator, you protect yourself from those kinds of attacks. This is something that Vista is attempting to cause. Microsoft has finally awoken to the reality of the Unix model as a secure design. Unix has the philosophy that you don't need to be Administrator to run your programs, only to change system settings. So, on that front, Vista appears to be getting it right (we hope.) Where Vista really falls short is for users like myself who grew up in the DOS world and who organize their files very carefully on their hard disks. Vista tries to take that power away from the user with the Virtual Folders concept. As I was running Vista this afternoon, the Virtual Folders were driving me crazy. If I had to give a report right now on whether to upgrade from Windows XP to Vista, I would say that there really is no need to, unless you happen to have about 5 Gigs of disk space you don't mind giving up.


So....anyways. It's been awhile. Yay for the Jeff Corwine show. I love watching that show. Jeff is currently tracking a bobcat in California. The fun thing is, the cat is in Heather Locklear's area. I like hearing my name on tv...even if it isn't the right last name. So, Jon...I liked the marching video (at least, what we saw of it). Good jorb! One question, do you know where that video was of driving through the desert (on the menu screen)? That seriously looked like the road that leads to my home. Ok...that's enough of that. :) Can I tell you all how cool turtles are? They are awesome. So, yeah, I had planned to write some stuff worth reading, but as you can didn't happen. So here's a few good things of the week...
Best class of the week: my lesson. I got to try some different barrels for my clarinet, and I got to play some Baroque flute duets (on clarinet) with Dr. Feller. Can't beat that.
Best news: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory dvd is out next week-yay!
Best (worst) noise: the one my computer is making right now...copying a cd to the hardrive
Best discovery: It is 3 months to the day until my 21st birthday. (I can put my mission papers in!)
Best feeling: taking off my shoes from a long week.
It's Friday! Happy day!
Have a great one!


I think I may have titled a blog like this previously. Oh well. If anyone doensn't like it, please email me at Just so you know, that wasn't my real email.

I noticed a mention of a midnight Harry Potter trip. Word around town is the nearest one is in Layton. Also, a large group from TCH (Transportation Clearing House-A company owned by Flying J, also my employer) has already purchased tickets, so I would suggest getting yours fairly soon.

In other news, today if Friday. Need I say more??

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Things to smile about

Today, was an awsome day. Usually I dread working in the pay lot, becuase i get alot of annoying people, people who ask dumb questions, say innapropriate things, or complain about paying me a whole freaking dollar! But today was a bid different.

Things That Made My Day
1)Aimee, one of my regulars, gave me a bag of crispy M&M's
2)Heber, a good friend, brought me a bag of candy
3)Playful banter
4)A random lady walking by at the end of the day and saying "Have a Good night!"

I guess it just means that you should be nice to everyone, becuase imagine what you can do for thier day! You could end up on someone elses blog!

Tell me or Scooze if you want to join us at Harry Potter Midnite Showing!

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Feelin' dank

Feelin' woozy and many thanks, Jason. I repaired the typo.

Also, WBHR Episode 1 just topped 600 downloads. Woo who.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Midnight Madness ensues.

Guess where I was at midnight last night? That's right! Wal-Mart™ with a copy of Star Wars Episode III in my hands. Now everyone needs to go out and get one themselves. What a great film!

Are you sure his name was...

...Pedo? Am I hearing you right? You said Pedo, right?

Just making sure because pedo (Spanish) = fart (English). However, Pedro (Spanish) = Peter (English.)

I didn't get any cool treatment for Halloween other than I got to put together this really cool audio mix of the Haunted Mansion and wolf sounds and thunder sounds. It was fun because I put it into a loop and played it on the movie sound system and you could hear it way outside the apartment. :) It was awesome!

Da da da

Monday, October 31, 2005


A given amount of force applied over an increasingly smaller area produces increasingly marked results. For example, if you kick a brick wall with your foot, the impact will be spread out roughly equally between your 5 toes. However, if you should happen to kick, with the same amount of force, the corner of that same wall so that the impact is taken solely by your pinky toe, there will be quite a noticeable difference. This I know from experience.

Happy Halo-ween at work today for the WSU Multimedia Services SWAT force.

Today I dressed up as a slacker. In other words I took my sweet time getting to marching band. This didn't really bother me since we played our last game and all we did was watch the drum major candidates audition. I voted for Pedro. Also, as a Halloween treat, our ice skating instructor gave us 1/2 the time for whatever we felt like. So, today, we decided it would be fun to fall down on purpose for once and we had a skate-really-fast-and-see-who-slides-the-farthest contest. Whee.

And yes, Jason, you win for the shortest post contest.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Some totally amazing...

...web sites!

Over the past couple of days, I have been searching for more great images (mostly for wallpaper and stuff like that.) Well, the first site that I disovered is I'm serious when I say that they have literally thousands of images of all kinds in proper aspect ratios for computer wallpapers. I've never seen anything like it before. So far, my favorite section is the Space section. I don't know, maybe I have some kind of loyalty to NASA seeing as it is probably one of the best man-made institutions ever created. The kind of engineering that comes out of NASA totally blows my mind.

Well, as I was browsing on this gorgeous space gallery, I came across a picture taken from one of the Apollo missions as they were in low earth orbit. The picture is one of the most breathtaking shots I've ever seen. So, I investigated a bit further and found that all the film from all the Apollo missions has been digitized and much of it is available online. So, the second of the kick-butt-amazing websites is the Apollo Image Gallery. Here you will find an astonishing collection of photos from the entire Apollo series, including the mighty Saturn V rockets. Again, this gallery is almost overkill because there are so many images on it. But, it gives me a sense of pride knowing that mankind has done some pretty amazing things. I can't wait until we put a man back on the moon! I feel like I was cheated out of the experience of hearing firsthand the account of the Apollo 11 mission to Tranqility Base.

Anyhow, just thought I'd get all sentimental for a second.





Thursday, October 27, 2005

Monday, October 24, 2005

Some people like phishing...

...As for me, I hate it.

Okay, all I have to say is that I had the dubious privilege today of being phished. I have an email account that I have used nearly every day for almost three years and I can count the number of spam emails I've received on one hand with some fingers missing. But today, I had my first encounter with phishing. For those of you who don't know what phishing is, it is basically when lowlifes send you email pretending to be from a reputable company (eBay in my case). They will tell you some story about how they have gone through a server migration or some other maintenance and they need you to click on a link and re-enter your account information "just to confirm their records." NEVER FALL FOR THIS! Your bank, or eBay, or whatever other company should keep backup records and will NEVER email you asking for "account confirmation." The only time they ever ask for account confirmation is when you just barely set up the account, and even then, any good company will not ask you to re-enter your account data. Also, a way to detect a phish is when you open the email and mouse over the link, notice the address that it points to. More often than not, it will point to some obscure IP address that has nothing to do with the actual company you do business with.

Due to the insidiousness and ingenuity of the phishers, I can see how this can turn into a very disastrous thing for those not educated to recognize phishes. Fortunately, there are tools out there to help educate people to the dangers of Internet predators. For instance, America First Credit Union has a great page devoted to helping members recognize and avoid phishing scams. Some people might say, "Well, I installed this anti-phish software. I'm safe." I say, "No you're not." The software is fallable and won't always stop threats. We can't just install some technology and then go bounding around the Internet with reckless abandon. We all need to be well educated about things around us. You don't see deer in the meadow just bounding around with "reckless abandon" just because there are trees around the meadow. No, they carefully make their way into the meadow and are constantly on the lookout for potential threats. Hopefully we can be smarter than deer.

I'm sorry for jumping up on my soapbox like that. I know that I'm probably preaching to the choir, but I deal with really stupid people all the time and with the average intelligence level of the Homo Sapiens, it's a wonder anything works in the first place. People are just stupid. They think that it's someone else's job to think for them and to protect them. They think, "Well, I have an IT department at work to take care of my computer for me. I'll be all right here at home, too." Gaaaah! That's so freaking frustrating! It's people's stupidity and ignorance that cause a general slowdown of society, complete with a lack of ingenuity for new stuff at no extra charge. Everyone who would normally be dreaming up the next big thing is stuck here dealing with stupid people's problems.

Anyhow, I'm done ranting. Just be careful of phishing scams. Be educated; know how to recognize them; know what you can do to protect yourself, and the world will be a bit smoother. You don't have to be computer experts, just educated.

ps: Try some Chai tea. It's really good and it's good for you. Word of Wisdom safe, too!
pps: Sorry about the excessively long post. I'll make it up with some short ones. :)

Friday, October 21, 2005

What a daze

link of the day: Startup Sound

Walking up Mt. Ogden on no sleep the night before... wow.

A Question Reasonably Well Answered

I've had a question now for about 10 years that has gone unanswered until today. I have wanted to know what makes adhesives work. Why does tape stick to things and why does it stick to some things better than others?

The answer that I have found for this comes from a fairly unorthodox source: a guy's website about certain types of sexual abuse. But, what he has to say is quite reasonable. It's something I had never thought of before. To my knowledge, the only question it doesn't answer is why some substances like glue are sticky when water (with many of the same physical properties as glue) is not. Hmmm. It could be related to viscosity because it seems that the more viscous a liquid is, the more sticky it is. Of course, then there's super glue which is a totally different animal -- low viscosity, high adhesion.

Check it out: Adhesives (how they work) and Friction.

I just thought I might share my newfound knowledge with everyone. I know it's geeky, but hey, I'm a geek and I am basicall obsessed with knowing how stuff works.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Backwash Boys...

Anyone who's played brass in marching band will know what backwash is. :)

*sings* "Which Backstreet Boy is gay?"

Okay, I'm done now. Well, sort of. Actually, Bye Bye Bye is by(e) that Orlando-based group, IN*STINCT. I should know because my sister was a HUGE fan, and by huge, I mean she traveled to other states (like Idaho) to see them in concert.

M'kay, I don't have a whole lot of rambling to do tonight. Just wanted to drop in and leave the only mark I'm allowed to in this band hall: a digital one. *Psycho shower scene music* Speaking of Psycho, that was the screenplay last week on the Score Station. I listened to it while I was at work.

Okay, I do have to comment on the marching band a little bit. You guys sound really good. I quite enjoyed y'all's homecoming show. It's freakin' pathetic that we don't have uniforms yet. Come on! I mean, what ever happened to the funding that the SLTrib gave us for that gig? But, aside from the uniforms, I really liked the show. Brass, please, I beg you with all the faculties of my being, get your horns up! It's such an impressive visual treat to see bell-front instruments at the proper angle of 10 degrees above level. For the most part, it was okay, but it's such a huge deal to me that I notice it quickly when it doesn't happen. Marching band is awesome. Make it known to everyone!

Fortune for the day: Great Moments in History (#7): November 23, 1915 - Pancake make-up is invented; most people continue to prefer syrup.

Take it easy!


You can't spell slaughter without laughter.

Good day.

And another thing...

Everybody be sure to stop by the bell tower tomorrow (any time after 7:00 AM, it doesn't matter) and support the Junction City Hybrid drumline fundraiser.

That's right - any time. They'll be drumming from 7:00 AM Thursday to 7:00 AM Friday at the bell tower. If you want to make a donation, enter a prize drawing, or sponsor them, feel free. Also feel free to just enjoy the music.

And another thing...

Anybody who wants to can come on a hike of Mt. Ogden on Friday. Meet in front of the Browning Center at 8:00 AM (hey, I need my hour of sleep). Bring lunch, water, sunscreen (no, all three are not the same thing unless you want a sunburn and to be really hungry, but not so thirsty). What better way to spend fall "break".

Ok, bye.

Just one more

...and then WBHR episode 1 will have been downloaded as a podcast 250 times.

Now that's crazy.

The bell tower is improving. A while ago it was chiming the hour and there were a grand total of three (3) of the bells working. Which is one more than were working last week when I heard it (sort of) ring. And three more than were working at 12:00 am last saturday morning, according to the Diego.

Last night I saw one of the most amazing solo performances I have ever seen. A young man from not this country played a Monk piece like nobody's business. I'll try to post a video of it; the sound quality might not be that great, but I'll do it anyhow.

Congrats to for hiring on at LOL. Lucky!

And now, I'm hungry, so I'm going to go and eat some food.


(no, that's not the international remix of the Hackstreet Boys song of the same name)

Monday, October 17, 2005

I've finally upgraded..... GOOGLE talk.
I know there are at least three of you on gmail. If you are,
what are your addresses. You can even just send them to me
at ohsosaxy2712-at-comcast-dot-net.
On a different note(Cbb), How many flutists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, but she'll twist it for hours to get it just right!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Great for car bodies, even better for your viewing pleasure. Oh, wait, that's just Bond, a.k.a. 007, License to [Thr]ill.

Actually, I'm not very familiar with Daniel Craig either, but neither was I familiar with Pierce Brosnan when he came on the scene in '95. I have certainly enjoyed his bond films (though none can match the mastery of Sean Connery.) I'm excited to see Mr. Craig in a Bond film. By the way, was that picture of him actually a scene from Dirty Harry? That handgun in HUGE! Maybe it's a Walter PPK hopped up on some kind of steroids.

As I remember, the reason that actors like David Duchovny were not used as 007 is because the studio wanted to use BRITISH actors to represent the BRITISH MI-6 superspies. They had considered some like Jude Law and Hugh Jackman, though they had declined the part. (Hugh Jackman isn't really British; he's from Australia. But then Sean Connery was actually from Scotland, both, however, part of the British Empire.) I think we ought to give Mr. Craig a reasonable go at the part. I think it'll be fun. Besides, that's all we watch 007 movies for, right? Because they're fun.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

What's 007 in Roman numerals?

Probably, 00VII. So, Daniel Craig is the new James Bond. Not so sure what I think of him quite yet. He's not a huge star here, having basically only been in two films (The Road To Perdition and Layer Cake). I'm just not getting a Bond vibe from him, but I'll wait 'til I see him in action before making my final decision. What do you all think?

Image hosted by

Thursday, October 13, 2005

What's 700 in Roman Numerals?

Has the Simpson's even gone 700 episodes? They are considered a comercial and critical success. They've been on the air since 1989. Oh, wait, this isn't about the Simpsons; at least it wasn't intended to be. It's about the fact that this is the 700th episode of Band Geeks. According to the infallible (and by infallible, I mean it's powered by Google) blog counter, this is the 700th posting on this site. Yay! Good grief! This thing's only been going since February of ot'four and we've already seen the passage of 700 postings. I only wish the Simpsons had that many episodes in a year and a half.

Now, to find the first season of Lost....

Okay, I'll have to agree that Strong Bad was first-basin' it with a piece of looseleaf.

So, can anyone answer me this question: How powerful and engine, measured either in horsepower or kilowatts, does it take to move a 3500 lb vehicle from naut to 60 in 3.8 seconds? This question has been bothering me for the last two weeks. If you have an idea of how to figure that out, please let me know.

700 = DCC (in Roman Numerals)
700 = 0x2BC (in hexadecimal)
700 = 001010111100 (in binary)

Thank you.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

But Silly PuTTY would... so much fun.

I mean, who wouldn't think it was fun when they type ls on the Linux terminal if it didn't come back with "ls? What do you mean ls? I think you meant 'nmap -v' so that's what I'll do. Gol! No one cares to see a listing of their files."

So yeah, if you happen to have a copy of Silly PuTTY, I would love a copy of it. I might even pay actual money for it, which if you know me, is rare when it comes to software. (Viva Open Source!)

Okay, I'm being a geek now. I'll get back to what I was doing...

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The latest

Fine, I'll fix it. Then you'll have to find a new one.


I found out about a cool new game today. It is a great party game. It is called Defender. I don't know if you have played it. You should play it. It is fun. We should play it at the next party.


Whoa! Party? So.... Ricky suggested we all go play laser tag on Saturday at Lazer Zone in Sunset after the fo'ball game (notice the wasatch phonetic spelling of football). 'Twill be fun. I think we should also plan a place to grab some dinner before the shooting match. That way we'll all be re-nouri-freshed and Tim will be off work and can come as well. So, how's about 7pm for tag and right-after-the-wsu-game-ish for eats. I'm thinking University Broiler and Grill or maybe Costa Vida or Grandalfo's. After the laser taggin, we can all play some fun Munchkin. I bought the expansion pack (including the Duck of Many Things, the Big Honking Sword of Character Whupping, and of course, the Big Fat Lyre).


Now I am tired. I still have homework to do. They are almost done with the library. The batteries in my camera died. I should go home now. I am getting tired. I might repeat myself might rep...

Oh... wait.


In other news, Andrew I have no idea what those numbers mean in your previous post, and I often leave messenger logged in and my computer on even though I may be somewhere else, so when it shows me being away a lot it's because I probably am. I try to respond to everyone who IM's me. You're not on my very short list of people I wouldn't respond to if they did IM me, so no worries. By the by, I don't get your joke about the dehydrated french-types. Is it one where it is not to be gotten or am I missing a subtle double-entendre? Then again, it is late and my thinker isn't working properly.

Ben, Jason mentioned that I see him every other day. I can deliver the sillyputty if you wish. No, Jason. Not Silly PuTTY. That would be silly.

So far WBHR episode 1 has been downloaded as a podcast 34 times. Isn't that just freaky? It's almost like there are other people out there on the Internet. I never see people on the Internet. Just a lot of letters and pictures. Hello? Can you see me typing, people on the Internet?


So about that whole "going home now and getting some sleep" bit...

Monday, October 10, 2005

Y'know, I was going to say something...

...but now, I just forgot what I was about to say. I suppose I should really read the Harry Potter books so that I can be more "in the know" about stuff when people talk about it. Currently, I have read 1.96 Harry Potter books. I have seen 3.00 HP films, though, so I do know who the characters are.

Oh yeah, I remembered what I was going to say! I was going to say that I learned a really neat party trick. It's one of the fastest ways to empty an X-liter soda bottle. I'm sure there are faster ways than this, but I assure you that there are none more exciting. Also, if you try this, please do it outside because you will make a mess. Also, be prepared to get yourself messy, too.

The trick is to obtain a box of mentos, a test tube and an X-liter bottle of soda (2 liters work best because of the small opening in the neck.) Place the mentos in the test tube so that you can cover it completely (usually about 13 mentos.) Then, open the soda bottle and release the mentos into the soda and get away. The soda will come shooting straight up out of the bottle about 6 or 7 feet. This happens immediately after inserting the mentos. It lasts for about 3 seconds after which, you will have very little soda left in the bottle. Also of note: diet soda seems to work best. After all, no one cares if you waste that vile diet soda. :)

I saw that on

Friday, October 07, 2005

I'm happy now...

...that I found my car on Google Earth.

Yeah, just thought I'd let you know. :)

To the tune of "If you're happy and you know it"

If you applied for graduation and you know it stomp your feet.

Actually, Ben, I blogged three days ago. Actually, Jessica, I did read your whole post (I read all the posts on this blog). Actually, Harvey, I need you to quit following me; people are beginning to wonder.

Actually, I have nothing to say, except that if you see me, in the near future, wearing parachute pants and a Vuarnet shirt, well then I don't know what to tell you, man.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Non-violin thoughts

Y'know, TheScooze, one of Mark Maxson's cronies really brassed me off one day.

Once upon a time a couple of years ago, I sat calmly in the sacred Band Hall minding my own business (not meditating.) Suddenly, a small bird in the form of a thought lighted upon my head. I realized that I needed to do some online banking to cover a check that I had written. Pondering the locations of the various computer labs around campus, I drew a conclusion that the Dr. Maxson's Mac lab was the closest. I would only need the computer for a couple of minutes so that I could transfer some funds in my bank account. I quickly bounded up the stairs and walked into the dark lab of moss-covered desks. There, along the center aisle, glowing with the dim glow of an LCD panel was an available computer. I glanced around and took note that the lab was nearly vacant with the exception of the computers that were permanent residents. I didn't figure that I would bother anyone if I quietly used the computer I had previously seen and then left. I needed to do so quietly, indeed, for there was a stillness in that lab that felt like a lead crystal goblet: one false move and it might break.

Quietly, I scurried to the computer and launched a web browser. I proceeded about my business of transferring the funds in my bank account. The process was going very smoothly until the lab aide (cronie) approached me and asked "Have you signed in?" To which I responded, "No, I just needed to use the internet for a minute." "Well, you need to sign in to use THESE computers." Oh, that brassed me off so badly. I can walk into virtually any computer lab on campus and use the computers provided. But such is not the case with Mr. Maxson's precious Mac lab. Oh no, I might write a small shell script to prevent Final Cut Pro from editing someone's NC-17-rated movie project.

So, the moral of this story is: Don't try to use Mark Maxson's Macs unless you are prepared to sign in and also provide a substantial amount of collateral (such as cars, homes, estates, trips to Hawaii, etc.) Hmmm, I wonder if he'd take a slightly mulled-over (as in doesn't work) 80cc Honda four-stroke. :) So no, I'm not having any violent thoughts or feelings right now, but I most certainly have earlier in the week. It's been a bit of a funk for me; dunno why, it just has been.

This entire post was written in 20 seconds using Macro Express - your Windows automation tool! :)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

I love the life...

So, I have learned the lesson of never procrastinating study before a paper is due. I was so lost on the subject of our last music history paper (on a piece by Berlioz) that I didn't do so well. I got like 4 hours of bad sleep last night. Sorry if I was a tripping hazard in the hallway today. Naps are wonderful. Getting less sleep than you need is a very intersting experience, at least for me it is. I feel very weird. It's almost an out-of-body experience. I was working on our form assignment with Demya and got so looney that I made an interesting discovery. I think I will share it with you. ....... Apples are my favorite vegetable. Please don't take anything that I say tonight seriously. I'm so out of it, I just thought that I'd see what would come of me writing like this. It's fun! Although I don't recommend it. Conducting at 7am will hit me hard tomorrow. No wonder band directors are always really weird. yay!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Go ahead - ask me what day it is

That's a big 10/4, good buddy.

You only get to make that joke one day a year.

Well, we'll have to have a party soon so we can all play that great game I just bought. I tried it out with a few of my coworkers today. It's hilarious a parody on all RPGs.

In other news, our show is now on iTunes. Just search their podcast directory for Band Geek Radio, umkay?

Jason, the reason you were restless is probably because you were listening to WBHR. Andrew, way to go. The soap is all yours. We'll have to have a party to have you up or us down so's we can award you with your prize. And you're more than welcome to everyone who is enjoying the in-blog player access to the pcast.

Mr. Jones and me - we're gonna be big stars.

I have two...

...essential war cries in my life -- essential things for which I stand.

1) "Horns up!!" Of course, anyone in Marching Band knows what that it makes me crazy to see people marching with their horns lower than 10 degrees above level.

2.) "Try it out!" This one has meaning to me in that if you want to see what something does or how something works, try it out. Of course, this comes with a caveat: read the manual first before pushing buttons. Basically, I think that it behooves us to become expert in as much in life as possible. The best way to gain this expertise is to experiment and research. Google has revolutionized the way we get information. Whenever you have a question about something, go to Google, eHow, or any other information source and find out. What drives me crazy is when people ask me questions like "What happens if I do ....?" Gee, I don't know; try it out. This is especially vexing in the area of computers where generally you can try something out and the machine is pretty much guaranteed not to blow up or otherwise injure you. Computers are pretty tame that way. So is most everything else with the exception of nuclear reactors and band saws.

Aaah, now I feel like I have gotten that off my chest. It's been bothering me for a few days. ;)


Just so you all know, the Jazz and Percussion concert is just around the corner. It is on October 18 at 7:30 PM (what other time do things start at the Browning Center?). I believe that we are in the choir room again, although I am not sure.
The program will consist of quite a number of rousing, joyful tunes. The Jazz Ensemble will give you some standard big band, plus a little funky latin music in there. The Percussion Ensemble will have some good "crash, boom, bang" pieces, and some melodic ones including an original composition by someone. Come treat your ears to a treat and enjoy the hitting, strumming, plucking and blowing at the concert.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


Yay! My computer finally lets me listen to the imbedded audio and video features Jon has been putting into the blog!

I just listened to Episode 3! The answer is: only one went to Saint Ives, the old man! Yay! A bar of soap! I'm out of soap as it is. (don't come near me without a clothespin)

Jon - I tried to send you some audio files a while back, but they are just too big no matter what format I save them as. Ah, well. At least I tried. Maybe the show could have a call in segment? I could call in and you could record it? Others could also call in? Hmmmm.....

The only vice I have in life seems to be DVDs. I can't stop buying. There's too many good ones yet to come out this year.

I can't get into my class work as of late. Thank goodness fall break is this week. Maybe I'll get caught up, but probably not.

I have been meaning to update my own blog with reviews of Corpse Bride and Flight Plan. Keep checking it. They will be coming, just not sure when.

Star Wars Minatures is one of the coolest games I have ever played. It's like Epic Duels, but even bigger and more complex.

What did one dehydrated Frenchman say to the other dehydrated Frenchman? "What do we do now, Pierre?"

4 8 15 16 23 42

Saturday, October 01, 2005

New and/or improved

If you want to hear the latest WBHR episode streaming directly instead of downloading the podcast, now you can. I've embedded a player in the template for you. Yay.

Also, here's the first two for those who haven't got them yet.

Episode I

Episode II

I want pizza, Steve

The pizza place that has the cool marquiseses (pl?) is near Ogden High. Its the Pizza Runner... I think.

By the by, Jason, we need to get together so that you can get your silly puddy.

Here I am...

...can't sleep, restless, listening to WBHR.

Yeah it's 2:53 am.

Um, I think that's a fairly expensive way to determine bear type.

Does anyone have a plastic skeleton? Or maybe a spare bone one, spare 'cause I wouldn't want to take your installed /dev/skeleton.

Is that pizzaria on 12th street the one with the random political insights on the marquee?

Don't forget Swing Club Tuesday nights at 7:30 in UB Ballroom.

But, the band hall does pose a great threat to Jingles' recording equipment.

Horsepower? Torque? I have a few qu'ns about these concepts. What is meant by ft-lb? How does RPM factor in to the equ'n? Did you know that a 16-liter engine has to burn 24,000 cylinders-full of fuel per minute to generate a 1000HP output? That translates to 5 liters of gas per minute that it needs to burn along with 45,000 liters of air. Not too fuel efficient. I'll stick to my 124HP 4-popper. I get between 35 and 37mpg loafing along at 2500RPM (60mph in 4th gear). This equals 10,000 cylinders-full of fuel/air per minute. And who freakin' has a 16-liter engine? (Source:

Anyhow, I'm trying to understand the physics of horsepower and torque at now 3:17am.

ps: For all of your Unix/Linux integer math: bc is where it's at. For real number Unix/Linux math: xcalc is the ticket. Or you could pull out a real calculator, but that takes away all the fun of it. I know, I'm crazy. A year of the vi editor will do that to you. You start to crave glazed donuts at weird times of the day and the User Friendly comic strip is really funny. You start to laugh at anything political because you think to yourself "If only they had the power to take over the world like I do."

Friday, September 30, 2005


I just have to never cease to amaze me. Where do you find all those weird websites? I really enjoyed the Chicken of the Sea bit. :) Oh (this is to everyone), and I haven't figured out how to listen to the band hall radio. Any hints/suggestions/ideas/clues/obvious things that I missed? I downloaded itunes, but I can't figure out how to get the html in it. Please help! I love computers, but they don't like me at all and I can never figure them out. :)


way-o, way-o

Let's all hear it for the Geddup Noise!

Nothing short of classic

I haven't laughed this hard in very very much time. You may want a box of tissues.


Payload Delivered

I hope everyperson got a cookie and had a happy birthday.

Episode III is now finished and posted.

Here are some fun sites you might enjoy.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Striking Similarities

The good thing about being a film major: little homework, no tests. The bad thing about being a film major: papers, papers, papers all at once...

Secret Haiku

Autumn leaves turn gold Apples have fallen
Embracing twilight's decline Time's fountain run dry of dew
Feeds ground then rebirth Moments, only, hang

Like a Tyger, Tyger, over-pondering the origins of its being, I am tired and worn. The good thing about being an English major: Little homework, no tests. Bad thing about being an English major: Papers, papers, all at once.

My ultimate (double whopper) First Post!

Hey just wanna say thanks for letting me on here... I'll have fun at least.

yup I love you guys.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Duck of Many Things

Discard any card
Gain a level
Draw two cards
Lose all Big Items you are wielding
Give a card to the player to your right
Pick up your free cookie from the Anderson locker to celebrate Jarrett's birthday
Draw another card (with a pen/pencil this time)
Laugh a little

Mazel tov, Jarrett. I picked up the cookies at 7:15am today. Everyone says thanks.

Yeah, Ben. I like the 23 entry on Wikipedia. When I read this line:

"...23, being a fairly low number, occurs often in the media, current events, and daily life."

in connection with the idea of apophenia I couldn't help but imagine the hilarious thought of some superstitious guy somewhere noticing "strange" recurrence in certain situations of the number 23,469,821,363,245,098,124,389,764,356. I mean, wouldn't that totally freak you out if you kept seeing that number in odd places? :)

Welcome, by the by, to our new bloggers, Rich and Leisel.

A ties drive? Poor poor ded cat. It must have exerciseded too much. I dig the secretive-ness, Ben.

Secret hidden secrets

Dedication excercises are the reason formalities drive.

Phew, that was fun!
Humans have 23 paired chromosomes.
4 8 15 16 23 42
Scared ya didn't I?

Tuesday, September 27, 2005


Diego...that was insanely awsome! I've actually heard part of that song, and I've always wanted to know what the whole thing said. Thanks, that so made my day. :) Can I just say how much I love salted cashews?! Have a good one!

Read anything good lately?

So I started reading "The Hobbit" again at work yesterday, and as I was reading it a fellow at work showed me this little video on his computer. I just thought there might be some Bilbo Baggins fans out there, or maybe some Leonard Nimoy fans.

Monday, September 26, 2005


In other words, on the very day upon which the Jarrett would've celebrated his birthday with us by bringing us cookies, a lone bag-piper stood in a small clump of trees by the Browning Center and played Amazing Grace, as if in tribute. I thought to myself that the coincidence was too great not to be inspired.

Two of a kind.

I take it, Jarrett, if you read this, that you have someone in your mission that has Munchkin - a game, I was sad to discover last Saturday, was not currently in stock at Hastings where one of my pals bought it. If it had been there, it would've been mine. Such the funnest game.

Okay, bye.


Jason, we need to set up a time so that you can receive your band radio trivia prize. I never see you.

We watched Love's Labor's Lost over the weekend!
Gain two levels.
I love my wife! Gain ten levels!
Weber won again!
Gain one level.

Enough levels for me. Later! Waiter.


Everyone knows you shouldn't pick up a duck in a dungeon.
Lose two levels.

Nov. 5 - End of Marching Band? Beginning of Basketball Season?
Highland Games?

Well, I just thought I ought to send some greetings today. I hope it is a wonderful day for all of you.

So, Greetings.
It's good to see you all doing well.

May the Wors be with you.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Okay, that would not... the first time I have heard that conspiracy theory. But, it gets funnier every time I hear (read) it. There is no man-made technology that can affect weather that drastically so as to cause a hurricane and point it at a certain place. We can seed clouds so as to cause a rainstorm, but we can't create a hurricane and we certainly can't REDIRECT IT. Good grief! I'm about laughing my butt off just thinking about it.

As for Lost, Andrew, I really want to see it. I have been wanting to either buy it myself of borrow it and watch all the episodes. The only problem is that I can't afford it now. :( I saw a trailer for it yesterday when Kristin and I went to see Flightplan, which, by the way, was quite an entertaining flick. It has some really interesting twists to it. The ending was a bit hoaky, but the rest of the film kept we wondering. Having not seen other movies like The Lady Vanishes and The Forgotten, I had no basis to judge as many others have done; so I really enjoyed the film.

Also, according to Dr. Bob, the venerable Unix instructor on Weber State campus, the Standard Examiner stands for all that is evil in the world, that which is not extreme right-ism. :) When listening to Dr. Bob, you must always take what he says with the entire tongue in cheek.

Event of the while: Getting to sit in an F-4 Phantom and walk through a C-47 (DC-3) and a C-131.
Other event of the while: Getting to play John Williams' Midway March (albeit at 80% speed because Daryl didn't want to take it at the intended tempo.)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Why not use a knife, it would cut better?

Did you know that hurricane Katrina was caused by Japanese mafia using a russian made weather machine to get revenge for the Atom bomb. Or that's what the front page of the Standard Examiner said on Wednesday. The Standard is, like, turning into a tabloid, for gosh sakes. Sheesh.

Friday, September 23, 2005


To be correct, it should be "band geek" not "band nerd", there is a difference

And by the way, Lost is the coolest show ever made and you should watch it or I'll poke your eyes out with a plastic spoon.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Good News

WBHR Episode 3 is very very close to being done editingnessly.

Glaed dig.

blog of the day: can't really tell for sure

funny lyrics of the day:

Hi, this John of They Might Be Giants
and you're listening to the Frank O'Toole Radio Show on WFMU
If you're driving your car right now
We urge you to sit back, relax, close your eyes, and drive really fast


I am happy to say that I am moving out within the next 24 hours. I am so excited. One of my new roomies is the wonderful Robyn Johnson. I am so beyond excited....I just don't know how much longer I can wait. Life is good...even when life at home isn't. I have a ~wonderful~ (ugh) part of Scottish Dances stuck in my head. That song is interesting. Although the whole piece together is ok, I really don't care for it much. The 3rd movement is actually very nice, though. I wish I was an oboist so I could play that beautiful melody. (just kidding...why would I want to play a dead duck???) So. I heard the wonderful persussion ensemble rehearsing today. They totally rock! GO PERCUSSIONISTS! (I wish I could hit things that well) So, I'm in a very weird mood. I'm happy about the upcoming move, but I'm recovering from a nap I had in the hallway. I fell asleep sitting up. Weird. That's all I can say. Short. Fragment. Sentences. Yay! So...ummm, I think that's about as weird as I want to get for now. I hope that I can survive the night without getting chewed out for something I couldn't control. Have a great one!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Is Nov. 5th your birthday? Is that why you're excited for that day to come?

Oh, and I wasn't really bored; I just was curious to know what 47 days was on the calendar and so I went to this date calculator web site and plugged it in. Amazing what Google can do for you!

Take two and call me in the morning.

ps: I hate hate hate Microsoft Access. Why can't they build a sensible database engine like everyone else. No! They have to be different. GAAAAAH!

Nov. 5th? Oh, that's easy.

It's just 20 days until Thanksgiving on that day. What a day to celebrate.

If you liked Hapland, you'll probably like Grow Cube.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005


I've noticed that even if I think I get enough sleep the night before, I am still totally wasted by 11 AM in the morning (not to be confused with 11 AM in the evening).
see what I mean??
anywho......what would this world be like if we all saw each other fourth dimensionally?
Think about it.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Unix Notes (aka Words of Dr. Bob)

Today's Unix lesson (CS3730) was about the following:

  • Today's operating systems would be vastly different if the liberals were in charge.
  • X-Windows is good for displaying naughty pictures to brass off the femenist Nazi liberals. Of course, any woman who sees said images and complains is automatically a femenist Nazi liberal.
  • The X-Windows logo really means X-rated.
  • Terms like client and server (which are already changed from slave and master respectively) would be different if the liberals were in charge
  • According to the liberal Commie Pinkos, it's okay to kill() your child processes. That's just abortion. There's nothing wrong with that. :) (You see, in Unix/Linux/MacOS X, we don't just end tasks like in Windows. Instead, we kill processes when they get out of hand with the kill() command.)
Just thought I'd share the totally non-controversial lesson topic for today. We all got a nice laugh out of it.

47 Days??

August 3 or November 5, reckoning 47 days from today plus and minus.

Internal Rhyme

Hello everybody,
Did you see Matt Emadi?
Work is slow, but Jazz band was rather fun.
When it comes to writing, I won't be outdone!
Hava's b-day was recently, what a soiree.
Lost starts again this Wednesday. Horay!
She now sports the years of twenty.
And I give her kisses aplenty.
Ok, I'm done for now.
And give you a nod of my brow.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I think you're right

Heather-Marie, I have to agree with Andrew on this one. The important part of dealing with "impossible" roommates is to talk with them. Most problems arise in any sort of relationship because there is not enough communication. Whether it means that you draw up a formal contract or you simply talk about your disagreements, the communication must occurr. When trying to communicate your distaste or non-understanding of something, use what we call "I messages." An I message goes something like this: "I feel that you have a problem with..." You would say that instead of "You aren't doing this right..." It takes the finger pointing of the "You message" away and opens up a much more natural dialog between the two people. As soon as you start in with the "you, you, you" walls go up and no further progress is possible. With the "I message" you don't build up the walls and you simply state your position. This allows the other person to respond with less of a defense and more constructive language. The important part is simply to communicate. When I was on my mission, I had certain companions where this was easy and others where this was hard. It's something everyone has to deal with at some time in their lives.

Anyhow, on to more lively conversation....

In keeping with a newly-formed rule of not creating one of those "uber-long" posts my review of the Alpine Loop drive can be found here.

Ta ta!

Saturday, September 17, 2005


for the input/solution/idea...whatever you want to call it. I'll see what I can do. I appreciate it!


Heather, since becoming an RA here at the University of Utah, I have had to learn how to help people deal with impossible roommates. One of the first things I would suggest is sit down with the person and explain your concerns. Try writing out a roommate contract. A few sample concerns to have on your contract would be: garbage (who will take it out? What kind of schedule will you create?), bathroom (who cleans what and how often), "most nights I like to go to sleep by _______", guest "procedures", emotional style (do you enjoy being alone? Moods? "How will I know when you're upset?"), etc. If the conract doesn't go over well, you could always find a person to act as a mediator and set up a time when you and your roommate can both meet with the person at the same time. It is wise to not alow the mediator to be a friend (unless they are a friend to both you and your roommate and they show no bias to either party). If that doesn't work, one of you will most likely have to find a new place to live. Not sure if this is helpful, but hey, thought I'd give it a try. Best of luck and if you need anymore help, let me know.

Worms! I got yelled at for not taking out the garbage (when I was planning to do so later) and decided to go outside and call my friend to vent. While I was talking to her I found a worm. I had quite the time with it. I was brought back to my days of putting them in my pencil box (something that I shouldn't bring up) and bringing them to school. Worms are cool. They wiggle, eat dirt and well...they are physically cool. I picked up the worm and moved it to a patch of dirt. After about a half hour or so, it disappeared into the dirt. Life is full of amazing little things that make me smile... :) So...I have a question... what can someone do when they have a bad roommate and there is no way to compromise on the basic necessitites of living (ei...getting dressed in the light rather then pitch blackness, studying at night after a long day of school is over, etc...)? If anyone reads this and has any suggestions...please let me know. Having never shared a room before, I'm open to any help I can get. Have a great day!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Of course it was excellent.

I'm ten times the actor Cary Grant was!

*the following is supposed to be a secret message* leat that's what my mom tells me.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

One of the coolest things to come back!!!

I'm excited to announce that one of the greatest tv scientists is back on the air. BILL NYE!!!! He's on a new show called The Eyes of Nye. His show is on Mondays on Channel 9 (UEN) at 8pm (for all you people who don't have cable or satellite like me) and I'm not sure what channel it is on for people with cable or satellite.


That's what the Warner Bros on Animaniacs have. I saw it written on a piece of paper and decided to look it up. failed, but Google (almost never) does.

Googly-moogly. That's what I get for checking the blog from the dashboard rather than the regular way. I didn't get to get in on the excitement of the secret post hunt.

quote of the day -
stress' (stres) n: the feeling of tension that arises when one's mind overrides the desire to choke the living daylights out of some JERK who desperately needs it

link of the day -

Today I learned more about why normalization is a good thing. Without it, querying a database can be less than a spree.

As for the movie watching itself, Jessica and Scooze should abduct each other. Jessica, I know that band is long past and that it won't benefit you in that way, but just in case your desire to be kidnapped was a general one and not specific to T/Th 12:00-1:50, that would be a good arrangement for the both of you.

As for comedies to watch, here are some of my favorites (keep in mind I like old movies as well):

Uncorked (I was introduced to this film by Jarrett)
The Court Jester
Arsenic and Old Lace (with Carey Grant, not the stage version with Andrew, although that one was probably excellent as well)
Bringing Up Baby
The Muppets' Treasure Island
Disney's Peter Pan
The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
How to Steal a Million
The Big Mouth
Wallace and Grommit (any of them)

As for other movies I like besides comedies (these are among my top favorites):

To Kill a Mockingbird
The Maltese Falcon

As for movies that are trippy:
Alice in Wonderland (Disney or the live acting version)
The Dark Crystal
The Last Unicorn
The Neverending Story

Good luck deciding. It always hurts my brain to try to pick out a movie.


okay scooze maybe not...i don't want you completley confined to your room, although it will be better than being confined to my messy wizard of ozie room, i think that might just kill you, somthing i don't want to happen!!! Oh well, thanks andrew!

Here is a random quote from yours truly that will make at least Scooze laugh, i am not shure about anyone else...."Thank Allah for Budah" Ha Ha Anyway, Don Vito is the greatest fat man in the world and thank Budah for him...

Brace for end of post!!!!

Batman is the greatest! He's hanging from my chandelier in my apartment guarding it! so don't break into it! I love the secret post!

Are you Bracing? Curse You!