Thursday, November 03, 2005

Things to smile about

Today, was an awsome day. Usually I dread working in the pay lot, becuase i get alot of annoying people, people who ask dumb questions, say innapropriate things, or complain about paying me a whole freaking dollar! But today was a bid different.

Things That Made My Day
1)Aimee, one of my regulars, gave me a bag of crispy M&M's
2)Heber, a good friend, brought me a bag of candy
3)Playful banter
4)A random lady walking by at the end of the day and saying "Have a Good night!"

I guess it just means that you should be nice to everyone, becuase imagine what you can do for thier day! You could end up on someone elses blog!

Tell me or Scooze if you want to join us at Harry Potter Midnite Showing!