Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I have two...

...essential war cries in my life -- essential things for which I stand.

1) "Horns up!!" Of course, anyone in Marching Band knows what that it makes me crazy to see people marching with their horns lower than 10 degrees above level.

2.) "Try it out!" This one has meaning to me in that if you want to see what something does or how something works, try it out. Of course, this comes with a caveat: read the manual first before pushing buttons. Basically, I think that it behooves us to become expert in as much in life as possible. The best way to gain this expertise is to experiment and research. Google has revolutionized the way we get information. Whenever you have a question about something, go to Google, eHow, HowStuffWorks.com or any other information source and find out. What drives me crazy is when people ask me questions like "What happens if I do ....?" Gee, I don't know; try it out. This is especially vexing in the area of computers where generally you can try something out and the machine is pretty much guaranteed not to blow up or otherwise injure you. Computers are pretty tame that way. So is most everything else with the exception of nuclear reactors and band saws.

Aaah, now I feel like I have gotten that off my chest. It's been bothering me for a few days. ;)