Thursday, October 13, 2005

What's 700 in Roman Numerals?

Has the Simpson's even gone 700 episodes? They are considered a comercial and critical success. They've been on the air since 1989. Oh, wait, this isn't about the Simpsons; at least it wasn't intended to be. It's about the fact that this is the 700th episode of Band Geeks. According to the infallible (and by infallible, I mean it's powered by Google) blog counter, this is the 700th posting on this site. Yay! Good grief! This thing's only been going since February of ot'four and we've already seen the passage of 700 postings. I only wish the Simpsons had that many episodes in a year and a half.

Now, to find the first season of Lost....

Okay, I'll have to agree that Strong Bad was first-basin' it with a piece of looseleaf.

So, can anyone answer me this question: How powerful and engine, measured either in horsepower or kilowatts, does it take to move a 3500 lb vehicle from naut to 60 in 3.8 seconds? This question has been bothering me for the last two weeks. If you have an idea of how to figure that out, please let me know.

700 = DCC (in Roman Numerals)
700 = 0x2BC (in hexadecimal)
700 = 001010111100 (in binary)

Thank you.