Thursday, December 15, 2005

Catch as catch can

Pfftshhhyeah! I'll congratulate Hava. Congratulations, Hava. I have seen what piano proficiency does to people. Nice people. It can break them. Way to go for conquering the 88-key monster.

(Not to be confused with Svarnik & Bill's smokey monster, although it is nearly as hazardous to your health.)

So... I'm taking a break. I've heard that you need breaks from intense productivity sessions once in a whiles so that you can come back from your break with renewed productivity capacity, rather than just plugging away with an ever-waning productivity capacity. It's actually productive to waste time once in a while (well, I guess then it's not exactly technically wasted, is it?)

Anyway, the reason I say that is that I'm in the middle of the last few hours of scholastic work in my career as an undergrad college student. After charging up my mp3 player, I started my musically enhanced portion of my productivity session (the actual work part was still happening at the time) with Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance, mvt. 1. And yes, I really do think that the band should play the 3rd movement for commencement instead. That'd turn heads.

Last few hours!!!!!!!! (yay)

Thanks, thatBritChap. I believe Amy Koster, and Connie Ward, Jason Schill, and Wade Walton are also graduating this semester, some with Associates', some with Bachelors'.

Duck! Here comes the future! Look out!