Friday, December 09, 2005

Global Warming?

Actually Jason....
In my dinosaurs and fossil records class we are talking about current extinction and stuff. Evidence points to the fact that we actually haven't yet come out of our last period of glaciation yet and that the world should be colder than it is, that the atmosphere hasn't warmed up as much as it should have for all the stuff we've pumped into the atmosphere. Do you understand that if the polar ice caps melted that that would unhouse 90% of the worlds population? Not to mention the fact that with all of our cutting down of rain forests, added to all the CO2 we're injecting into our atmosphere, is causing the oxygen level of the planet to come close to going below the level of CO2. All signs have pointed to whenever that happens, there is large widespread extinction. In fact, that's probably what ended up killing all the dinosaurs. When the huge dinosaur extinction happened, it wasn't just dinosaurs, it was all animals ALL that were bigger than a certain size. The only reason mammals didn't die off too was because mammals had stayed really really small during the reign of the dinosaurs and all of a sudden the world belonged to them. Did you know that we are at a rate of extinction now that is like hundreds of species going extinct every day? as compared to 1 species going extinct every 4 years in the late 1800's? Don't scoff at global warming. Experts did a study and said that the point where the earth could sustain a certain amount of people and not have irrevocable damage done to it was around 1900. We have billions more people on the earth right now than they did then.
I just realized something... I went on a rant! Yay for me!
I'm done now.