Monday, September 19, 2005

Unix Notes (aka Words of Dr. Bob)

Today's Unix lesson (CS3730) was about the following:

  • Today's operating systems would be vastly different if the liberals were in charge.
  • X-Windows is good for displaying naughty pictures to brass off the femenist Nazi liberals. Of course, any woman who sees said images and complains is automatically a femenist Nazi liberal.
  • The X-Windows logo really means X-rated.
  • Terms like client and server (which are already changed from slave and master respectively) would be different if the liberals were in charge
  • According to the liberal Commie Pinkos, it's okay to kill() your child processes. That's just abortion. There's nothing wrong with that. :) (You see, in Unix/Linux/MacOS X, we don't just end tasks like in Windows. Instead, we kill processes when they get out of hand with the kill() command.)
Just thought I'd share the totally non-controversial lesson topic for today. We all got a nice laugh out of it.