Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Computing Grand Challenge

Okay, I have the question of questions for you. I just installed MySQL (a database management system) on my Red Hat 9.0 Linux machine at home. This is a painfully slow machine (233 MHz, 128 MB RAM) but in terminal (non-GUI) mode, it's not too bad. Anyhow, after I set up MySQL, it told me in no uncertain terms that I needed to create a root user for the system. Now, I already have a root user account on my Linux machine, but I'm guessing that's not the same as root user for the database system. So, if any of you have any knowledge about setting up MySQL on a Linux box, please let me know. It's installed and everything and the daemon runs without a problem; I just need to know how to set up users.

Now on to other news that's going on in the world. On Saturday, I bought a neat movie that I hadn't seen since the mid-90s. It's a little movie called "Explorers." I really like the show because it reminds me of when I was a kid. I never flew into outer space, but would like to have done so. :)

Anyhow, so yeah, I don't have a lot to say so I shall bid you a fond farewell. Take it easy, y'all! I'll check back later!
