Sunday, June 13, 2004

It's That Time of Year Again...

Yes, it has come to the month of June. We all know what that means: Manti Pageant. I appologize for not reminding you all about this earlier, but I have been very preoccupied myself and so some things have fallen onto the back burners. But, Kristin, being the wonderful person she is has put me up to the task of reminding any and all wishing to make the trek this Friday and Saturday to Manti, Utah to see the Mormon Miracle Pageant. Price: Only the price of gas and having to be stuck in the car with your best friends for some two hours or so each way. But, to be safe, bring ten bucks to buy food in the evening and then again in the morning. Jon, if you're coming, you should provide the lawn gnome; I've got the tiki torches covered. If any of you have any questions, please contact me at j s c h i l l [in the house of] w i n t o o l s [dot operator] command prompt. The dates that I am available are this Friday (18 June) and Saturday (19 June). It is an overnight thing seeing as the pageant gets over about 11:30pm. Please feel free to check out pictures of last year's adventure.

TTFN. I hope we can get a nice group together this year to go down to this shindig. It's a lot of fun. Again, sorry for the short notice.