Tuesday, June 15, 2004

I overmorgen

That's how it's said in the land of the Golden Summer, anyhow. At least, that's what my title would've been a few hours ago. As it is, I'm just getting done with the main rush of business for the evening, and decided to blog whilst I'm zipping along at 44kbps. More like Trial-up if you ask me.

Soooo.... today I had good fare and plenty of it at my sis' house. My grandparents who live down the street, and my other sis who lives with them came over as well. Currently I'm sitting in the Prancing Pony with Strider & co. Frodo has just read Mithrandir's belated (courtesy Barliman) letter. Hopefully I won't be past Khazad-dum before Hof. I hope to enjoy the trip on the trip, if you catch my meaning. And if you don't, then just remember what they told you: keep your eye on the ball. Um... or the meaning, if that's what you're trying to catch.

Well, if no one has yet tried out Scorched3D, I have to plug it again and say that I'll doubtless be trajector-izing some tomorrow at work. Ben, when do you work? Maybe I'll see you @IM. Way 2 go on the trip and the letter. Although I have to say that I hope your southern accent wears off soon. Unless you plan on wearing no shirt or shoes and for pants wearing overalls with one strap hanging down and a big felt hat and carrying a shotgun. Or something. Ok, well, I guess it's the acute minority of the South that fit that bill, but still... that's what I guess the accent conjurs in my pate. Well, I have plenty more to say, but not enough mental reserve to correctly compose it here at this time. Correctly. Mmm. Reminds me of Caroll's caterpillar. WHO R U? Which gives us BB||!BB, leading us then to ph34r th3 cu73 0n35. rua n1nj4 2? 2 much l33t/g33k5p33k 1 th1nk. Although I though that 323k137 was clever. If indeed that's how it's spelt. (No use crying over spelled milk?) How I love free association. It's often a very liberating form of humor.

If I ever did an arrangement of Pictures @ an Exhibition, I think I'd change it up quite a bit and call it Forgery Gallery or something like that. And I did decide to use either Bydlo or Ballet for Tian's boyhood antics (he being the main character of the first segment of my starry saga). Which reminds me, what do you get when you mix Mussorgsky and Williams? Why, Motion Pictures at an Exhibition, of course. (Jabba Yaga, the Hutt on Han's Legs? A chart that would crush any normal smuggler's extremities.)

And, to return in closing to where I began, may I just say this: Jeg glaeder mig til det. Og det hele.


PS. Indescision still on which jukebox to go for. Archos or RCA?