Thursday, October 14, 2004


Hold on one moment.

You speak (Jon, I believe it was) of the polls in Denmark -- that Everyone is Forced to go to the polls. Kristen Vesper mentioned the other day that they do the same thing in Brazil.

It seems like a good idea -- get everybody to vote, or at least say they don't want to. But it doesn't work. Kristen's account validated that. They all voted on emotional impression for Mr. Lula, who was once poor, thinking he could help the poor. Forcing people to vote cannot make them care; it cannot make them really understand. You can't force people to do things, because then you Really get crappy (I use the word rarely and intentionally) results. Forcing people to vote is almost as ineffective and impractical, especially in a country so large as the United States of America, as Prohibition was, or outlawing belly-shirts would be. You cannot Legislate morality. It can't be law to care, it can't be law to think about things. That falls into the charge of each person. And when the more part of people quit thinking, we get imperialism -- because those who lack self-discipline need more government.

So, that is my rant. Someday you can have my opinion on public Education and Welfare.