Monday, January 17, 2005

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of Rum....

For whatever it is worth to you all, I believe the best thing to do is create two versions. Let Jarrett finish his version of Jinglesthula and I hope Andrew will finish his. Both of you have wonderful things to contribute and I believe it would have been best if you both could have worked together on the entire thing, but that isn't the way things have worked out. There is no changing that. Therefore, I believe the next best thing is for the both of you to do your own versions as you can and be at peace with each other!

If Jinglesthula is really, as Jarrett sugtgests, a representation of the band hall, what better way to show that than for there to be multiple versions! Who of all of you, if any of you, see, feel, think the exact same thing as anybody else when you walk into our little music-esque domain? You don't! Every version is different! Indeed, each thinks something different (if only slightly) than one's fellow band geek! So why not multiple versions of Jingles? Honestly - Why NOT?!

Again, those are simply my thoughts, for whatever my view may be worth to any of you involved.

Kristin Schill