Saturday, February 12, 2005


it out, Jason: has Scorched Earth 3D. Very fun stuff - play online agaisnt other players and all that. They even have a nod to the old gorrillas throwing bananas game back from the day that was similar to scorched earth: you can choose a gorrilla with a shoulder rocket as your tank. You can also choose an ATST or Hoth gun and a bazillion regular army vehicles including (my favorite) the Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Anyway, check it out - I think calls it Scorch3D or something like that.

and speaking of Czech it out, my next door neighbor left this past Tuesday for the Czech Republic with his friend to pick up his friend's son who just finished his tour of duty there as a missionary.

song of the day: theme from The Neverending Story

woe of the day: that it is so cold in this building

happy thought of the day: a fun concert etc. on Monday

day of the day: Saturday - but you probably already knew that from the date/timestamp on this post.

'kay, bye.