Wednesday, September 01, 2004

The Days Are Just Packed


Arranged a bit of pit parts for the show today with Daigo. And Ben told me just about the funniest thing I've heard in a great long while. At first I was mortified, but then I just laughed and relized how funny it all was. Ben also joined Sarah W. and I for an institute class today. And tomorrow the institute is serving up tasty (and by tasty I mean free) lunch. We learned how to ftp in to osiris and access loki in CS3350 today. My web sight is truly rudimenterrible. I'll have to change it soon.

If nobody else posts here soon, I'll be forced to write sophorific materiel here until the blog lyses into a puddle of jumbled ones and ohs. Or oohs and aahs, if it happens to make a nice pattern when it finally congeals.

And always remember, choosy moms choose Jif.