Thursday, May 06, 2004

The point of no return

aka lim (x->oo) S m(y) + br^i(n) dx = P^i(n)

Or, to make things not clear as mud, my calculus final is over. I only say it because it was a great amount of stress studying for it, and such a relief to have it over and done with. For some reason I find myself missing Las Vegas right now. Not the strip, just the parts of it that I visited on my last trip there, which was the temple and someplace just south of Vegas where my cousin's wife's family lives.

Maybe it's just that I like the summer weather. Lukewarm summer evenings with a bit of a breeze. How very nice. If I lived in southern Utah, that's probably the part I'd like best about it - the evenings. I'd sit on the porch (I'd have a porch of course) and play the guitar.

Ok, more later.