Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Hope is that thing with feathers

that perches in the heart. -Emily Dickinson

So I watched Disney's made for TV movie A Wrinkle In Time. Part of it anyways. The last part. Interesting. They took some licence with it. Nicely done, overall though. At least for a TV movie.

Andrew, you are exactly right. We should include you next time. And Jason. Speaking of which, we missed you at OCB today, Jason. Rod commented on your Taiwan gallery - said it was nice. I spent some more time today scanning in Mrs. Koster's other sets of prints from the trip. I only had three to start with and she has about 10 or 15 total. Jason, I also would like to scan the ones you got developed following my first go-round at the CD project. And yes, I still think it's a great idea to give Rod his own personalized copy. I hope he'll be cool with it. If it were me, I'd just get the biggest kick out of that kind of thing.

The format I was thinking is a 2-Disc set to accomodate a music only soundtrack version and a directors commentary version where the narrators will relate anecdotes from the journey with some music in the background. Also included on the CDs will be wallpapers made from the pictures, the .jpg pictures themselves (probably only some of them), and, of course, some easter eggs. Gotta have easter eggs. The hunt just wouldn't be the same without something to find.

I must here express my displeasure with my computer. I have written multiple sessions to a CD before, but this is the first time I've had it erase everything on the CD before adding the files I wanted to burn. And the annoying thing is I did a session after that one to see if it was just the CD or if I had some settings all funky somewhere. No - the next session I did left the files on. Just a fluke I guess, then. But an annoying one.

Aaaaaaaand I'm on call now, so I'll have to blog more later. As a parting comment though