Friday, May 07, 2004

Apples to Apples

and dust to dust.

Today was a good day. I slept in until about 8:30, which I haven't really done since this semester started. I hit one of my friends in the head with a sword. My life was threatened in more ways than one when I played penultimate frizbeeee. I rehearsed music for our gig in Cedar City later this month. I chilled with the band at the park with burgers, pennies, and After Eights.

Aren't inside jokes fun?

Favorite movie line of the day: I'm obnoxious. - from Finding Nemo

That fish just cracks me up.

Well. Now the semester is ended, I've a lotta free time on my hands... and feet. Hmm. Maybe I should wash them off or something. Looks like work, OCB, A2D, WSU, ETC. I'll be guitaring, writing my epic trilogy, and, with any luck, producing the trilogy as a shabby movie trip-tick? Something.

Ok, buy.