Monday, August 08, 2005


...I mean, Hooray!

Cool. Silly Putty! You can never have enough Silly Putty. By the way, does anyone want a black D.A.R.E. antenna ball? I have four extra that I picked up from the Heber Days Parade.

A sound editor for the Mac? Hmmmm. I'm kind of surprised that Audacity doesn't work because it's an open-source project that's originally built for flavors of *NIX, which MacOS X is a part of. The only sound editor that I've ever used is Cool Edit Pro which is now an Adobe product and it's definitely not free. You might try looking on for some software. I'm not really savvy about audio software too much. Image software is a different story, but even there I have a very nice little set of tools I like (MS Image Composer, Fireworks, etc.)

Anyhow, gotta go! :) Take it easy, y'all!