Friday, August 05, 2005

Right, then

A warm welcome to Mr. Burns. We hope you don't take offense to our screening process, as this forum was originally intended for people who hang out in the Val A. Browning particular band hall. But what the hey. This place was designed to bring band geeks together electronically when they were separated physically. So jump right in - the ASCII's fine.

Kristen moved?

In other news, I have finally gotten around to editing the second episode. It's about 1/2 way done so far. Expect it early next week. When the regular school kicks in we should also be adding a Morning Show (or is it Mourning Show?) hosted by Jessica, Hava, and Suzanne. Andrew has also agreed to be our field agent and shoot us audio content from the far-away and most magical land of That School Down South But Not That Far South. Bling bling, as it were.

Diegs, you have my most sincere empathies for your (pardon the pun) current plight. I've woken up to the sound of dripping water in my room before and it's not that fun to be flooded.

On the other hand, Flood is one of TMBG's best albums, both by my own opinion and popular concensus as evidenced by the retail sales figures.

And speaking of music, 4 or 5 drum peoples will be driving to Park City this evening to for to hear an concert extraordinaire: Close Encounters of the Percussive Kind. Should be rockin'.

Ok, so now I'm off to add Brian as my post implies.
