Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Who's Scruffy Looking?

Ok, yeah, I'll get 2 for the Brit and 1 for the Andrew. 2 for the Ben and 2 for the Jingles-wan Kenobi. Anyone else will have to purchase their own. I think Aaron and Tim/Amy were planning on going to the Gateway down-south-a-way, but Ben and I were thinking that was a bit far from home that late in the morning... Anywho, probably looks like Tinseltown at the Newgate Mall (Layton isn't getting it) for anyone who buys tickets later. Midnight showing. All that good stuff. I'll be costuming and there was talk of watching I and II just before hand. We'll make a day of it. Geronimoe.

Buy buy.

P.S. Sorry for anyone who read this post earlier and tried to purchase tickets at the Layton one. That was before I knew they weren't getting it.