The invasion of Disneyland was a glowing success (though no radioactive material was spilled therby causing the glowing effect mentioned. It is only a figure of speech.)
Of note, the events described hereafter in this session will inform you as to the intimate details of the success of the invasion of said Disneyland park.
- Saw George Lucas in the store at the end of Star Tours.
- Was complemented on my hat by the Mad Hatter and Alice after affixing a small tiki umbrella on top of the hat and spoons coming down the sides of my head.
- Met up with my brother who was theretofore unaware of my presence in said park.
- MuppetVision 3D theatre suffered only minor damage.
- Failed to achieve a Level 4 Space Ranger on the Buzz Lightyear attraction.
- Cut my finger on the wall of the queue for Indiana Jones and the Temple of the Forbidden Eye.