Friday, August 20, 2004

The Leavetaking

Today is a day for three farewells.

Farewell the first:
I helped Andrew move his effects to his new flat at the U and then chilled with him at the mall for a while. This one isn't so much a farewell for him from his friends, since we'll still hang out when we can - and there's always Jingles to complete. But he did say farewell to his house. Moving is a weird thing. Every time it happens you look around your now somewhat more empty surroundings for the last time and think to yourself that it's strange that you won't be coming home to the same place anymore. But Andrew is going to make wildly successful films like Mr. Spielberg, so it's ok.

Farewell the second:
This one is both an ending and a beginning. I spent the morning working for the last time as a lab aide in the Library computer lab. Come next week the new Lampros Hall will have its grand opening and be open for use by students. I stopped in to take a look at it after I got back from Salt Lake. New building smell. Very, very nice everything. Fei was just finishing setting up the last bank of computers. After I looked around for a bit, I went over to spend the last few minutes of the Library Lab's open-ness with Dave, my boss, and Jason, my coworker. Every day we announce that the lab will be closing. Today I tacked the word "forever" on the end of the announcement. What fun. After we shut down the workstations and closed the doors we proceeded to take all the signs down off the walls. The few remaining computers will stay in the library and be used for whatever, while the lab will be used probably for some of the circulation desk area when the library gets remodeled here within about the next year. Dave said they're going to take the stairs off the front of the building and make the main entrance on ground level and probably move the media upstairs and the circulation downstairs. That'll be nice. When the first tuesday in September rolls around I'll begin working in the Lampros Hall and the Union Building Labs.

Farewell the third:
Tonight is my last night working for Direction One, LC. Since it is a graveyard shift, I won't be able to sleep during the day anymore as I'll be attending classes. The job was very good experience in my field of study and I learned quite a bit. I often got to talk to amiable people and help them get connected to the Internet. Little successes can bring a good feeling when they're a big deal for the people that you're helping. Of course there were down sides to the job - the occasional cranky customer, being awakened at 3 in the morning by someone who should, like myself, be asleep - but you take the bad with the good, and it all comes out in the end. One really good thing about the job was that it helped pay for the adventure of a lifetime in Europe.

The other thing I might mention is that over on my blog I've started adding pictures to my monologue to spice it up and provide enhanced memory refreshment experience.

That's about all for now. I'll refrain, as I haven't occasionally in the past under similar circumstances, from continuing to type even though I have nothing left to say at present.

Hey, I didn't say this post would be interesting. (Nod to Jack Handy, there.)

song of the day: Take Me Home by Phil