Thursday, December 02, 2004

A Coming out party!

Dear one and few!
Ben's new blog has been started. Come and read book reviews to your heart's content... that is if you are content with just one. I put the first book that I logged on there way back from June '03. The blog will end up being really fun and a good update of books I've read. There is also a list of books that I've got (or almost got) in my possession and is on my list to read. So come and come back for future updates and to see if I've read your favorite book or if you're looking for a new book to read, stop on by. You can get to my new blog by a slightly uncomplicated series of links. First, follow the link to Ben's blog and from there follow the link to Ben's Reading list.
Or, if you are uber-lazy, then follow this link.
Thanks one and few for your support and whatnot.
Laters, yo.