Monday, January 30, 2006

Aah, the nostalgia

Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we. Think back about, oh, ten years or so when there was this little computer game called Gorilla. Do you remember? Hmmm, some of you look like you've wasted more time on it than others. Well, good. I'm here to say that good ol' Micro$soft has removed the beloved QBasic program from Windows XP users. Actually, they probably did that starting with Windows 2000, but I never tried it. Anyhow, I'm here to tell you that I have the old QBasic program and Gorrilla to go along with it. Go here first to download QBasic. It's a zip archive so you'll need to extract the files to your C:\windows\system32 directory. Next, download Gorilla from here and extract it wherever you would like. I don't advertise these downloads on my Windows page of my web site because technically, QBasic is a proprietary Microsoft technology and I have said that I will not post un-free softwares on my Windows page. So, to download them, you pretty much have to link directly to them.

Once you have QBasic and Gorillas downloaded and extracted, to run Gorilla, go to a command prompt in the directory where your Gorilla.bas file is located and type 'qbasic /run gorilla.bas' without the quotes. This will launch Gorilla and you can proceed to terrorize the city with exploding bananas.

Have a lot of fun!