Thursday, May 19, 2005

This is where the fun begins

I'll get the ball rolling then with the discussion of the much anticipated movie.

*your generic spoiler warning* (for those of you who haven't yet seen said aforementioned movie in question)

My opinion, then:
Better than I and II.

The only scene I didn't buy into all the way was the Mace vs. Sidious one, and that mostly because of Palpy's makeup job. Andrew, I think maybe the thing about hiding his true appearance may be right after all. Sidious was totally playing Anakin during that scene. The force lightning may not have been doing anything at all to him. Then again it might have been the cause. I expect there'll be much discussion of this scene on the various forums.

For how much there was to tie together I/II and IV/V/VI I think Lucas did a great job - just enough explanation to make the saga all fit together without turning III into a great big resolve-every-issue/question-any-SWfan-ever-had session. For being stylistically different, the now-completed set of prequels fit surprizingly well with the original trilogy.

The Immolation scene I didn't like especially the medical fixing-up-the-Darth-Vader part. Unrealistic that they would just slap new limbs and the black suit on nice fresh 3rd degree burns and then have Vader stand up and start walking (staggering) around 10 minutes later. Even for a Sith pain is not fun and healing takes time. And the whole thing about no anesthetic for such a medical proceedure! Tsk tsk. What would the Republic Medical Board say about such practices?

Other than those two issues, great show. Oh, wait. There was the thing about all the jedi dying without more of a fight. Don't they have the force, or something? I mean some of them just got pretty much shot in the back. They should've been able to sense SOMETHING coming - some kind of impending danger. Well, they couldn't drag out that part of the movie long enough to show a big heroic finish for each jedi, I guess. That part of the movie did flow well, though.

Ok, so THAT's all I didn't like about it. Everything else was way cool. I'll have to see it again to pay more attention to the scoring, Andrew. I am always to wrapped up in watching the show whenever I see a movie for the first time that I rarely pay attention to the score itself.

My favorite part: hmmm... I'll have to think about that for a while before giving a definite answer but the opening scene was definitely cool. I also really liked the part where Anakin discovers that Palpatine is a Sith. The dragon was cool, as was the Obi-Wan vs. Grevious fight scene. Really dug the Yoda/Chewbacca bit, too.

Ok, laters.