Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Game, game, and more apology

Try these games out.

Hapland 1
Hapland 2

They are fun for the time!

Thanks for the attendage to my party. Jason, I'm sorry that we forgot to do the invitage, it was a gross overlook and apologize I do.

I moutah ere


Throwing Pot

Yesterday I threw my first ceramic pot ever. What fun. The only problem was the pottery wheel I was using had a speed of approximately 3 rpm. It turned out ok, though, for a first go at it.

News and Announcement. There will be rain most of this week, so a hike looks to be out of the question at least until Saturday. Also, it is hereby announced that The Honorable Sir Mssr. Mr. Dr. Cornelius Jensenson Ph.D. Esq. XIV, alius Ultimate Cory, a.k.a. Cory Jensen will be throwing a BBQ party-type fesitval at his backyard this Friday around 6 or 7 PM in the evening. Y'all are invited. BYONGP (Bring Your Own Nuclear Grade Plutonium)... uh, or maybe just BYOPLDTSWEE (Bring Your Own Pot Luck Dish To Share With Everyone Else). If I'm leaving anything out or getting any of this wrong Cory, just post here and let me know.

Incidentally, if Saturday is looking good for a hike shall we not say that we could discuss such a hike at said aforementioned party in question?

In other news, nothing else is going on.

The End (of this post)

Re: Go Lynx

Jon, I totally know what you mean. I am familiar with Lynx because I am a Linux user. In fact, Linux is my operating system of choice (because it's so freakin' powerful, and stable as the day is long.) Lynx is an installation option on most distributions of Linux and I have used it on a number of occasions when I couldn't use a graphical browser. The fact that it runs no scripting makes it very secure and not a source of virus or malware woes.

I did notice that Workspot does not allow you to reconnect recursively to the site, but it is still a really cool demonstration. Think of how sweet it would be to teach Linux to a class without having to install it and waste valuable class time. Of course, it would have to be an intro class because anything more involved would have to cover Linux from the install all the way through package management.

So, I'm glad that there are some geek-friendly people out there because I'm a geek and I like friends. :)

Discovery of the Yesterday (Memorial Day): Spark Plugs for Motorcycle - $1.67 at Auto Zone rather than suspected $8 a piece at regular motorcycle shop.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Forgive and Forget

All is forgiven jon my friend! You were an excellent partner on the Scene it? thingie, even if we did lose! Its all good, i shall miss talking to you, i shall miss talking to everyone, so here is my last parting words of non jobdome, Be safe, have fun, and dont sweat the small stuff, but most importantly:


I will be blogging every once in a while, but most of my time off will probably be doing laundry, planning for the coming week, etc...but i will try and e-mail and blog, just remeber, that my e-mail address still works and i would love to hear about your summer, britty (underscore) in (underscore) oz (at sign) hotmail (dot) com!!! just drop me a line!

Love to All

Go Lynx

Fortunately, Jason, there are indeed fellow geeks out there who fully appreciate a good piece of technology. I, for instance, am currently blogging using a little browser called Lynx. I don't know if you've used it before but it is entirely text-based. Isn't that keen? Anyone who hasn't used it yet should try it out. It is blindingly fast since it only renders text. HTML tags are for the most part ignored. The em tag just colors the text. Pg Up and Pg Dn scroll up and down, right arrow follows the currently highlighted link, left arrow is similar to the back button. Pretty simple. A bit unergonomic at first glance, but it's great for using if you want to avoid ads, popups, spyware, etc. It doesn't run any javascript, so it's much safer that way. The default for cookies is to prompt for allowing each and every one, so you always know exactly what comes and goes via TCP/IP on you box. 5w33t, n0?

Another great use is for using it to visit fun sites like blogger during boring classes - it doesn't look like you're goofing off instead of listening to the lecture.

As for Workspot, I give it a 9/10. It would've been a full 10/10 geekpoints, but When I used Galeon on the Workspot demo and went to Workspot it refused the connection when I tried to do the recursive demo. :)

Well, I'll see ya'll at das fest. And by the by, would everybody be down with a hike next week like around sometime in the AM on a weekday-ish? I'm thinking waterfall canyon or so. Think it over. You don't have to answer right now.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Arguably the sweetest...

...geek-oriented web site ever!

You guys have GOT to check this out! If you're like most computer users, you either use MS Windows or MacOS. However, there is a system called Linux that is growing in popularity due to its nature of being free and the fact that it runs on just about anything (that includes a good number of cell phones.) However, I'm fairly certain that unless you are a certified geek, you probably have never knowingly used Linux. Well, now you can, for free! Go to Workspot and click the "One Click Demo, Free" button for a demo of a fully functional Linux desktop. It's soooo cool! The only thing you have to have is Java enabled on your browser. If you don't your browser should alert you. :) By the way, the distribution that is running on Workspot looks like Mandrake 9.0 or thereabouts.

Take it easy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Crud crud crud crud crud crud

Sorry I didn't make it to the party ThatBrittChap. I had my brother's choir concert that night that I went to that I forgot about. I will still buy you a present. If you are going to HaBen's on Friday I can give it to you then.

Whoa, there, me. Get to work. (I'm blogging in my C# class at Davis Campus.)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

The Saga Began...

And now the saga has ended. I say ditto on everything that Jon and Ben have written but I have to say my most favorite part was the Yoda/Sidious fight in the Senate hall...I mean the spinny round thing was pretty freakin awesome. I mean Yoda essentially throwing a spinning vortex at Sidous was really wicked!
I will admit, I cried in this movie a bit, not nearly as much as in LOTR III:ROTK (I cried for about the last 30 minutes of the movie) but the scene with the Jedi's dying and just the dire straits that Yoda and Ben were put into was extremely depressing! I give props to George on those scenes, although I do agree with Ben on the whole "jedi's really weren't paying attention to the fact that people were going to kill them....." But the scenes that really got me were with the younglings.
One thing though, Paul and I kept talking about how Anikins lightsaber never turned red, it stayed blue all the way till the end of the movie...Isn't the lightsaber partially controlled by the force emanating from the jedi that wields it? So shouldn't his blade have turned red soon after he went completly over to the dark side?
I nearly puked at very burned and dearmed/legged Annikin and had to be consoled by someone sitting next to me...hee hee.
Umm...I did enjoy the whole complete and total tie in with Dot Dot Dot Antilles, whose name just escaped me, was that wedges papa? Here is my one thing that didn't make sense in my limited Star Wars Nerd mind, did Annikin really kill Padme or was it because of her broken heart, I heard some people talking about it on the radio and it confused me...Star Wars Nerds, come to my aid!

Batman Out!

To add my own commentations, here's my pal Putting

Jon, to counter your "fresh on third degree burns" comment, I'd just have to say, remember that Anakin won't survive with out his helmet. It was an intensive, necisary, immediate surgery they had to perform right then and there . . . at least that's the way I took it. The only scene that didn't work for me was the Anakin changing to the dark side bit. Ten minutes earlier, he had just turned Palpatine over Windu, he charges in demanding Jedi justice be dealt to the sith lord, then helps to very brutally kill Windu, but then says "What have I done." He is in no way wanting to go to the dark side and the almost, in not literal, next words out of his mouth are "I'll do whatever you ask of me." Now, where did this change occur? There was no middle ground, just I'm trying to be the best Jedi I can followed directly by I'm a sith lord now. I definitely thought that it was a lot better than I and II. The Padme/Anakin scenes weren't half as excrutiating as in II. I think that Portman was given a good set of lines (for once) and that she pulled them off. She was a realistic woman wanting to be a mother and was having concerns about her husband changing and not being able to provide the type of life to her children that she wanted to give them. Very realistic, very good job. Lucas still needs to take a script writing class, but that was ok. I absolutely loved all the tie-ins. AWESOME! Double +A for that one. Things I wanted to see:
Qui-Gon Jin as a ghost
General Grievous' true form (loved the four arms, by the way)
I was gonna put more, but then I couldn't think of any more.

This is where the fun begins

I'll get the ball rolling then with the discussion of the much anticipated movie.

*your generic spoiler warning* (for those of you who haven't yet seen said aforementioned movie in question)

My opinion, then:
Better than I and II.

The only scene I didn't buy into all the way was the Mace vs. Sidious one, and that mostly because of Palpy's makeup job. Andrew, I think maybe the thing about hiding his true appearance may be right after all. Sidious was totally playing Anakin during that scene. The force lightning may not have been doing anything at all to him. Then again it might have been the cause. I expect there'll be much discussion of this scene on the various forums.

For how much there was to tie together I/II and IV/V/VI I think Lucas did a great job - just enough explanation to make the saga all fit together without turning III into a great big resolve-every-issue/question-any-SWfan-ever-had session. For being stylistically different, the now-completed set of prequels fit surprizingly well with the original trilogy.

The Immolation scene I didn't like especially the medical fixing-up-the-Darth-Vader part. Unrealistic that they would just slap new limbs and the black suit on nice fresh 3rd degree burns and then have Vader stand up and start walking (staggering) around 10 minutes later. Even for a Sith pain is not fun and healing takes time. And the whole thing about no anesthetic for such a medical proceedure! Tsk tsk. What would the Republic Medical Board say about such practices?

Other than those two issues, great show. Oh, wait. There was the thing about all the jedi dying without more of a fight. Don't they have the force, or something? I mean some of them just got pretty much shot in the back. They should've been able to sense SOMETHING coming - some kind of impending danger. Well, they couldn't drag out that part of the movie long enough to show a big heroic finish for each jedi, I guess. That part of the movie did flow well, though.

Ok, so THAT's all I didn't like about it. Everything else was way cool. I'll have to see it again to pay more attention to the scoring, Andrew. I am always to wrapped up in watching the show whenever I see a movie for the first time that I rarely pay attention to the score itself.

My favorite part: hmmm... I'll have to think about that for a while before giving a definite answer but the opening scene was definitely cool. I also really liked the part where Anakin discovers that Palpatine is a Sith. The dragon was cool, as was the Obi-Wan vs. Grevious fight scene. Really dug the Yoda/Chewbacca bit, too.

Ok, laters.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

May the Sith Be Only in the Movies

This might just be it!!!
I may be the last blogger until the much antipwaited event of 'Star Wars Episode III: The Midnight Showing'.
I, unfortunately, am not in line, yet, as Jon and Andrew both showed up there abouts an hour ago. I'm at work, getting the much needed Hours Of Payroll rEimbursment (HOPE, the old and usual kind, not very new!).
I am currently Concentrating Longly On my Nightly Eating (CLONE, and this IS the attack kind [OUCH! Right in the personal food processor]).
I am also awaiting the End of Work Obligatory Kiss (EWOK, the kind that come during a return [of Ben from work, not of the Jedi]) from my wife upon entry to our house. That'll be good!!!

Well, I hope you all enjoyed my Star Warsed out post. Ultimate viewing pleasure will begin in slightly over 5 1/2 hours. See ya there or be ungeeky!

The Plan

5:00 or 5:15 ish - Jedi Meal at Burger King by R We Cilly
6:00 - arrive at Tinseltown and begin to play... the Waiting Game
*later that day* - show up whenever u can/want to and find me in the line to get u tickets, find a spot in line to wait, play games, eat food, discuss movie, chill
11:30ish - house assignments, assume battle stations
11:45 - cut excitement in air with knife
11:54 - high fives all around
12:01 - watch movie
*later that day* go home and sleep til noon

See you all there. MTFBWY

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Monday, May 16, 2005


I was just bored and invited HaBen over to watch Eps I/II. It was spur of the moment, so I didn't get a ton-O-ppl called. *sheepish smile*

But yes, we'll definitely see y'all on Wednesday.


Star Party?

Hey why wasn't I informed of a Star Wars Party????? When Is it or are you talking about Wed......The party?

2 more days!!!!!

Peace All!

Batman Out

Friday, May 13, 2005

The Darth Side...

...of the Force.

If you want to read Darth Vader's personal blog, go to The Darth Side: Memoirs of a Monster. It was pointed out by one of my coworkers. :)

May the Force be with you.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Hey, it's that time of year

Yep! Time for the annual Manti Pageant. It will be happening June 16 - 18. In years past, we have had fun going down as a group to see it on the Friday and camping out in the park until Saturday morning. I know that Kristin and I are planning to go this year and it would be wonderous to have a bunch of y'all come down too! We'll leave on the 17th in the afternoon and try to stake out a camp site in the park by 5:00pm. I think they charge something like $5 for each tent in the park and it's really not a bad deal because you get breakfast in the morning provided by one of the local stakes. They also serve dinner at the Manti Stake Center (famous Sanpete County BBQ turkey) at 6:00pm. Like I say, in the past, it has been loads of fun. The pageant starts at 9:00 pm. Bring a coat and blanket because it gets a bit cool. Hope to see many of you there! :) I'll make another announcement about it at the Star Warsing party.


Monday, May 09, 2005

Just can't keep quiet

Gruss Gott, meine Freunde.
for news and info (posted once in awhile) visit here.
No rules broken, either!

Friday, May 06, 2005

Just to let you know

I won't fathom most anything that is said to me today. I will most likely be oFF In mY oWn littlE Whirled.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

Best Lemon

Here is the best Lemone quote i have ever heard....

When Life Hands you a lemon, say: Oh Yeah!!! I like lemons what else have you got?

I like it mucho! 14 Days!!!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Finals: Unloaded

YES!!! Another double post from Ben!

Final number 3 out of 4 has been finished up. I wouldn't say that the stress has left at all because I got all the easy ones out of the way and the hard one is left. Of course, since it is for my major class, then I am a little more interested and devoted to the class, as well caring a lot more.

My wife is the best and bought National Treasure for me yesterday. Yay!

So far, I've been really lucky and have been able to spend most of my time at work in another, quieter, less crowded room. Yay! (again)

All righty, see y'folks later

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

WalMart: Revolutions

Andrew posted: I hate hate hate Wal-Mart©!!!!!!!

I concur! What a lousy place of business. It is ruining our economy. We should all boycott from here on out... except for going there to get the cheapest DVDs and what not, but other than that, never buy anything there!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
WalMart sucks!!!!

Final #2 is done and I still got 2 more. Here comes stress!!!

Later all y'all. I better go before my studying finally neutralizes me

Star Wars™ MANIA!!!!!!


At last! I hold it in my hands after years of waiting! The final Star Wars™ score EVER!

Went to Wal-Mart© at midnight last night to be one of the first to get it. Sweet sweet sweet, I declare. I still need to hear it a few more times, but I LOVE it. Plus, it comes with an AWESOME DVD of music videos with music from the ENTIRE SAGA!!! Sweet indeed!

In further Star Wars™ Mania developments, I also decided on a lark to buy some Darth Vader™ Pop Tarts® last night and then everyone that went with me decided to stop off at 7-11™ and get Darth Vader™ Slurpee® cups filled with "Darth Dew™" flavored Slurpee®.

But alas, there is bad news...

Sony Classical© and Wal-Mart© decided to market the CD with an exclusive bonus track which you could download online. I went to Wal-Mart's© web page as instructed and entered my code only to find out that since I run a Mac™ I can't download the freaking thing!!! Arggghhhh. I hate hate hate Wal-Mart©!!!!!!!

The coolest error...


So I was casually browsing around on the internet this afternoon in one of my quick little inspirational trips to Etherville and I came across a rather creative 404 error. I'm sure we've all seen the classic IIS or Apache 404, page not found errors. We may have even seen some creative custom jobbies too. But the one that I found tops anything I've ever seen. I call it Marvin the Paranoid Web Server. I grabbed a copy of the page and put it on my own web site because I thought it was so cool. So, if you would like to check it out, go ahead and click the above link.

Ta ta.

ps: I even uploaded it at 4:04 pm. :)

Monday, May 02, 2005

Finals Week: Reloaded

Another finals week has come to stay . . . at least for a week anyway. Of course, this finals week is a whole lot worse than any other I've ever had. You see, I actually have finals this week. Every other semester, my English classes only have papers due the week before finals week. I have 4 all together, one was on saturday. But the real kicker is that I have to be moving out of our apartment by Friday at 5. Talk about stressed out! POW! Right in the pocket calender!
Star Wars in only 16 more days!!!

I can't wait for next week. No work! No school! Only R and R! And H!

Later homies!!!!