Who am I? I am a pianist, and apparently I look like Franz Liszt (ask Jarrett). I play the piano in Wind Ensemble and when there's no piano parts I play percussion. I'm NOT one of those back-up percussionists who aren't really percussionists.
Do I know you? Um, I don't think so, Jason. How sad.
I think I will ignore the third question, as I don't pay for car insurance.
As for Dr. Palumbo for president, it was sort of Jarrett's idea, really. I said to vote for a write in candidate if you didn't like any of the options, and he all of a sudden really wanted to vote for Dr. Palumbo. I tried to see if it was possible, and apparently it's not without committing fraud. It would have been funny to see the look on his face when he found out people voted for him to be president though . . .