Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Peekup Trucks and Ess Yoooo Vees

Anyone who says that they bought a pickup or an SUV because "I can see farther and therefore I'm safer" is lying their butt off. I make that bold statement after the idiocy I saw on Highway 89 this afternoon. I saw a lady in a Ford Explosion totally jump out into oncoming traffic and just about get T-boned by a car that was really close to her. The lady was making a left turn from a side street and needed to cross HWY 89. Obviously, the stratospheric height of her SUV made it so that she saw a long ways off but totally missed the car coming close to her. So, out into the road she leaped and were it not for the diligence of the driver of the car, a bad T-bone collision would have occurred.

Now, on to the matter of business. I don't know if you have noticed, but it seems that Utah Power (not really Utah Power) has decided to forcefully lower my power bill this month. Something has brought down power to my apartment two days in a row for about an hour in the afternoon. Yesterday, power went out between 4:02 pm and 4:42 pm. Today, there was a power outage from 5:00 to 5:35 and another from 5:41 to 6:29. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but I'm running a couple of servers at home and I like to be able to get to them from out there in the world. I can't exactly do that when they're down because a power outage took them out.

Anyhow, so yeah, I'm kind of not happy with the power company right now. They not only took out my servers, but they caused me to take an hour to get home because of malfunctioning traffic lights. :) It still blows my mind that people don't know how to do a four-way stop.
