Friday, June 30, 2006

Conversation Starters

So, I think that I have been a bit callous lately on this forum and I don't really mean to be. I am just really amazed at the condition of the world today. I think that too many people are in too much of a hurry to be nice to each other. It's like society is in the withdrawal from the drug-induced high of the '90s and we're just a bit crabby with each other.

So, to ease the tension of the world just a bit, I introduce a most hilarious website: The Wonderful World of Longmire. Now, please remember to take with Mr. Longmire says with a grain of salt (or maybe a whole mouthful of salt, depending.) My personal favorites of his are his Awkward Conversation Starters and his Longmire Does Romance Novels. This guy is absolutely hilarious, in his own geeky sort of way. He's a guy who pokes fun at just about everything.

So, for some good laughs, check him out.