Saturday, March 05, 2005


...bacteria cause people to be very miserable. According to (a very nice command-line tool in Firefox) Streptococci in colony cause such ailments as scarlet fever (very serious) and strep throat (less serious, but very miserable.) I had a bout of the latter this past week and it took me completely off my feet from Wednesday afternoon to Saturday morning. It not only took me off my feet and kept me in bed, but it completely DEPRIVED ME OF SLEEP!!! The best sleep I got was Saturday morning between 5:45 and 6:00 when I set a sleeping bag out on the floor and slept in it. It was great. When I crawled into the sleeping bag, I was in all kinds of pain from the strep throat, but the solid nature of the floor straightened out my back and when I woke up fifteen minutes later (due to my computer/alarm clock) I felt so much better. That little stroke of genius came from Kristin. She actually forced me to sleep in the sleeping bag because I was hurting so badly. Strep sucks!!! Gaaaah! I know that I have been rambling a bit on this, but please bear with me. I just got done with about 72 hours of some of the most misery in recent memory and this morning, I took a Discrete Math test. So yeah, if I don't make sense, send me an email or blog or something and say "Huh?" and I'll probably get back to you. :)

Food of the week: (Since I haven't eaten anything since Tuesday) Pizza