Wednesday, April 30, 2008

On the subject of presidential candidates

    To become a valid write-in candidate for a state or federal office, an individual must file a Declaration of Write-In Candidacy no later than 30 days before the regular general election.  

    Federal office candidates must file the declaration in person with the Lt. Governor's Office.  State office candidates may file the declaration in person either with the county clerk in their county of residence or with the Lt. Governor's Office.  Write-in candidates must meet the qualifications required for the state or federal office they are seeking. Filing the Declaration of Write-In Candidacy means that write-in votes for the candidate will be counted.  The candidate's name will not appear on the ballot.

Good Luck getting Dr. Palumbo to do THAT

I think there is some kind of fee, too, but the whole in-person thing sort of wrecks the idea (unless someone were to pose as him for the interview, which I DON'T suggest).