Sunday, November 04, 2007


And again I say,

I am just thinking that this is the place to announce, and it would be wrong not to:

The WSU Symphonic Band will be performing this Saturday in the Browning Center at 7:30 pm. Tickets are $3.50 students, $4.50 adults, $0 talk to Dr. Root before and get a ticket. Bring your friends, relatives, the local noisy special-needs group (well now - who remembers that?), children over 8, gremlins, and so on.
Repertoire to include
Pictures at an Exhibition, by Mussorgsky
To Take the Children Home, Thomas Root
American Salute, Morton Gould
Jubilee, Michael Hennagin
and everybody's favorite Zaninelli version of the Star-Spangled Banner.

So all you veteran Band Geeks should come behold the new generation of geeks.