Monday, September 17, 2007


There might be some confusion caused by the links to the left of this blog stating "The Root Cellar" and "The Temp Cellar." Let me just say, that as the steward, so to speak, of the famed Root Cellar, the "Temp Cellar" link is the real one. I started creating the page on the other link, but then lost access to that site, so it has not been updated in quite some time. It has fallen into the realm of the more cobwebby parts of the Web. :) However, the Temp Cellar is in good working order. The name needs to be changed and the old "Root Cellar" link dropped.

Now, as I say these things, I must stress that if you do happen to have more recent Rootisms, please submit them. :) Clicking on that previous link should open your email software and address an email to me where you can submit Rootisms. I have had a very fun go at collecting Rootisms for the last five years and would love any new ones that anyone happens to have. If you've looked at the "Temp Cellar" page, you will notice that I have some from a concert in 2006 in the Layton Commons Park. Even in the presence of a public audience, the famous remarks still keep coming.

If you don't have an email client software (such as Outlook Express or Thunderbird), you can use any web mail (hotmail, gmail, yahoo, etc.) to send to jason[dot]schill [at] gmail [dot] com.

Thank you for continuing a great tradition. I only wish I could be there to see them in person. I was planning on coming to the Homecoming game on Saturday, but I think I will be involved in a massive upgrade of my company's accounting software that may take most of the day. Darn these adult responsibilities.
