Nutahn's Law v. 1.0
i. Whereas the party of the first part henceforth known as "a particle" and all estates, properties, rights, limitations, and liabilities hereby contained on, in, around, nearby, or in otherwise proximity to said particle, shall at it's sole discretion remain in its present state of ambulation vis-a-vis disambulation until acted upon, upin, uparound, upnearby, or upinotherwiseproximityto the party of the second part, henceforth known as "a force" hereby defined as a quantity accumulated e.g. agglomeration of mass as a product of the antiderivative of jerk, hereby defined as the derivative of acceleration. Some exceptions and conditions apply. Not valid in Kansas. If unsatisfied with Nutahn's Law v. 1.0, please return unused portion for 5 cent refund in HI, ME, MI, WI. Employees or family members of Einstein Enterprises (R) may not apply. Chances of winning depend on the number of entries. No purchase necessary. See store for details.