Saturday, June 21, 2008

Hello all....

Why hello to all.... It seems as though another year of marching is upon us. I find myself this year in quite the interesting position. Being the assistant director at Roy HS I now find myself in more administrative and overseeing tasks than hands on teaching and running of the band. Not sure he chose the right guy for this, but I guess we'll see.

For y'alls info, Roy HS has acquired all-new uniforms. We will hopefully be debuting these beauts at either the 24th parade or Roy days. So make sure you catch the train.

I know I'm a geek cuz all I ever talk about are computers, band or my family, cuz my kids are quite adorable.

I miss being up there with you guys. Ah, the memories!

Feel free to contact me jeffry (dot) s (dot) johnson (at) gmail (dot) com

Later y'alls!