Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Riddle me this

A heterological word is one that does not describe itself. So... is 'heterological' a heterological word?

Don't injure yourself trying to figure it out. If you get tired, leave - go get something to eat, maybe take a little nap - and come back to it later. It will still be here.

If you don't like the implications and don't mind a bit of language theory, you can eyeball this article. It essentially points out that "'heterological'" and "heterological" are two different things.

When you have that down, consider the object in this image, which contains 3 copies of the phrase 'mobius strip', having the phrase only actually printed 1.5 times.

And finally, realize that it is possible to visualize more than 3 dimensions. (If you look at the number 4, you'll see that each axis can be seen as being at a 90 degree angle to each of the other three axes, although you can't really get your brain to see all 4 at once. Fun, huh?)