Friday, February 24, 2006

Trend ruining is my specialty

I never was known as a "trendy" type person. In fact, when it comes to trends, I like to be a sourpus and criticize them. But, I guess in the case of a Ben posting on this site, I can't criticize him too much. :)

So, I guess I did join a bit of a trend though, recently. I just installed Google Desktop, which I must say, is one of those technologies that you look at and go, "wow!" I mean, after about 4 hours of indexing stuff on my box, I can now search for anything instantly, way faster than the anemic Windows search feature. And it recognizes r3gul4r 3xpr3ss10ns, which those conglomerations of characters are not. Even the almighty (okay, not quite) Linux 'locate' command isn't that cool.
It may be even cooler than the Mac OS Spotlight search engine because this one is powered by the biggest brain in the world: Google.

So yeah, I'm just kind of basking in the coolness of my new gadget.

Known fact of the day: A Saturn L300 can smash through at least three trees with four-inch-thick trunks. That's like one tree with a foot-thick trunk.